Apocalyptic SF

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 The Apocalyptic genre often involves the catastrophic end of the world.

Usually humans destroy themselves with the aid of Nuclear Weapons. This can be used to reflect the human need for war and its eventually self destruction. Other Apocalyptic events may include meteor strike, zombie infection, biological infection, alien invasion, natural disasters or even an unexplained destructive event. The story often follows one or a few people in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Usually they are scrounging resources and are digging their way through 'old world' technology.

Sometimes a reestablishment of society occurs whereby a group of survivors from the 'event' rebuild and take refuge in a small area. Sometimes battle breaks out between other survivor groups for resources or just for greed. Apocalyptic stories often explore human need for war, their self-destruction, survival instinct, and the ability to look and work towards to a brighter future

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