Spunky Heroine Sci-Fi

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Spunky Heroine tales feature one as their protagonist, to the point they're usually referrred to "by" her, more than by their plot or premise. David Palmer's novel Emergence, featuring young Candy Smith-Foster, is a great example, as is its long-awaited sequel Tracking. Another is Alexei Panshin's novel Rite of Passage, with the adventures of young Mia Havero; plus Reefsong by Carol Severance, with its transformed Angie Dinsman. 

Basically, if you've got a totally badass chick as your main protagonist, the chances are you're writing Spunky Heroine Sci-Fi! It's likely that such stories will be way over the top and highly unlikely, even by science fiction standards, but that's what it's all about!

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