
School wasn’t easy either. I kept getting wayward glances from Casey’s pack, each and every one of them picking up on the rouge smell on me. Did they think that I was now working with rouges? God I hoped not. That was the last thing that I wanted them to think. But do I really care about what they think? Yes. Yes, I cared what my future pack thought of me, and honestly I hated it. Dom had gotten me my bag before sixth hour had started and I grudgingly went to class almost cursing at the sight of Casey’s enraged form storming right down the hallway and strangely enough, right by me. Curious to see who could get Casey as mad as me, I instantly followed him, ignoring the whispering and sideways glances of my classmates.  

Suddenly, Casey slowed and then came to a complete stop in front of someone who looked vaguely familiar.

“Piran what the hell are you doing back here? You were supposed to be with Crimson Embers until sometime next week!”

“I heard the rumors that you found your mate, bro. And I have to admit she is quite the looker.” Piran had locked eyes with me as he spoke and upon realizing that he wasn’t alone in his little fight with his brother, he turned to face me. The look on his face had me taking multiple steps back. If looks could kill... let’s just say I’d be six feet under and leave it at that...

“Well, since it looks like my idiot of a brother isn’t going to be introducing us anytime soon, I’m Piran Shadowswood, the beta of this lovely pack. It’s nice to finally meet your acquaintance Luna.”

“Please, just call me Lucie, or Luc if you want. All my friends do.”

“Friends already...,”

“You jeopardize our treaty with our neighboring pack because you found out I have a mate? Are you serious?” Piran cringed at his brother’s tone and for once I was glad not to be under the other end of Casey’s glare.

“You can call me Pier if you want Luc, all my friends do,” Piran teased and I couldn’t help but laugh at his mocking tone.

“She won’t be calling you anything. You are not allowed to talk to my brother under any circumstances understood?”

“Seriously, why won’t you let me have a guy friend? Are you that afraid that I’d leave you for your brother?”

“It’s happened before...,” Casey was running his hands through his hair again with the same frustrated look as before in the woods with the rouge.

“Do you honestly think that low of me? Of your mate?” His eyes instantly widened and a panic look filled them and if I wasn’t trying extremely hard to get my way right now I would have laughed at his worried expression.

“No, no you can be friends with Piran-,” I let out a squeal that highly resembled that of a schoolgirl and rushed forward throwing my arms around Casey. His body instantly froze, but soon melted in my arms. He began rubbing his head into the crook of my neck. I let out a low moan at the feel as he slowly began planting feather soft kisses on the place that he would mark me.

“Not that I want don’t want to break up this little love feast here, but if we don’t leave now we're going to be late for class. I think Mrs. B would find it awfully suspicious if all three of us showed up late to her class. Maybe start thinking that we’re the kind of family that likes to share... ouch, what that was for?” I was laughing my ass off as Casey hit the back of his brother’s head as hard as he could. I didn’t stop laughing until we reached Mrs. B’s classroom.  I threw open the door just as the bell was about to ring.

“Late again Shadowswoods... figures,” she rolled her eyes and then then froze at the site of me.

“Oh, sorry, I guess I should introduce...,”

“I know who you are! You don’t belong here you-,”

“That’s enough Mrs. Bilyk,” Casey snapped at the teacher making her eyes go wide.

“Mrs. Bilyk I’d like to introduce my girlfriend Lucie Davis. Lucie, meet Mrs. B.”  Mrs. B’s eyes went impossibly large and I heard her whimper slightly.

“My apologies, Miss. Davis. I’m sorry I mistook you for someone else.”

“It’s quite alright Mrs. B. Where would you like me to sit?”

“Between the two Shadowswoods boys would be fine,” I internally let out a groan. Did she have to sit me between them? I guess this was just her silly revenge... make me sit between the two Shadowswoods brothers.

“Alright class lets open to page 169 of your European history textbooks!” And that was exactly how the rest of my day turned out. Uneventful and passive, just the way I wanted. Killing a rogue really did do a number on me, I suppose.  I had picked Tabby up from school without trouble and went straight home after that. I sent Tabby up to her room to start working on her homework only to be startled when a shriek erupted from said room.



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