Chapter 10: "You're my-"

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"this isn't over." I turned into my classroom. I know that I'm being annoying but I'm just worried. I do.. like him so of course I'd act like this.

I sat down in an empty desk, I'll have to talk to him on the way to Defense Against The Dark Arts, which we also had together.


As soon as the bell rang I hurried out of the classroom before anyone else.

I nearly ran towards class searching for Draco so he didn't have the chance to avoid me.

I spotted him as he walked out of his classroom and I soon followed.

"Malfoy just listen." I pleaded.

"Go away Potter." He didn't look me in the eyes but kept his pace.

"but-" I was interrupted by Draco hurrying off into the classroom. It was so fast I didn't even have the chance to stop him. He probably works out.. damn. I mean he has nice muscles and a bubble butt... okay stop. Enough of this butt thinking, I still need to talk to him not drool over his perfect ass. Which is literally perfection. Full of confidence and so hot. I really need to use the head above my shoulders and not in my pants. 

He had turned into the classroom and probably already sat down. How was I going to do this?

I walked into the classroom and spotted Malfoy sitting alone in the far back corner next to large windows with a book in his hand.

Ron and Hermione sat in the front of the class and waved at me with a smile, calling me over. I smiled back but sighed and let my smile fall.  

"Hey Harry!" Hermione cooed. Her smile fell as I walked passed her and towards Draco.

Sorry Hermione, but I have something I need to do.

They gave me weird looks as I sat down in the empty seat beside Malfoy loudly. I think I startled him because he looked up from his book quickly.

He glared at me and I smirked back at him.

"What are you doing." He spat setting his book down on the shared desk. My heart pranged but I just shook it off.

"Sitting." I replied shortly and looked at the front as the teacher walked into the classroom.

He rolled his eyes and looked forward too. "No shit. Why?" He sounded like he knew the answer to the question.

"There were no empty seats." I lied. By now the class was full and the teacher was about to start the lesson.

"There were over a dozen empty seats." He continued to glare at me.

"Shhhh. Class is starting." I quieted him. Don't worry there's a point to my madness.

The teacher started to speak and instruct the class on the overall of today's lesson.

"Don't you dare-" He was interrupted by the teacher.

"Mr.Malfoy... I'm in the middle of a lesson, so if you would kindly stop talking that would be for the best unless you'd like to have detention for a week?." She stared at him.

"No, sorry Professor." He apologized shooting me a blaming glare.

She continued on with her lesson. Every so often Malfoy would glance at me but turn his head quickly not to be caught. Which he failed completely at due to the fact that I was watching him out of the corner of my eye the whole time as I took down notes.

Now it was my turn to speak. "What was that last night?" I whispered and looked at him fully.

His Adams apple bobbed in a gulp but he didn't turn to look at me.

"Nothing." He lied.

"That wasn't nothing. You were upset about something."

"No I wasn't."

"You were practically crying."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes you do!" I said a little loudly. The teacher glared towards our direction briefly then continued speaking.

"Just forget about it." Draco looked down at his paper, his hands playing nervously in his lap.

"You said you were upset because of me." I stared at his hands, a bit of sadness in my voice.

He looked over at me quickly then back at his paper. He seemed confused. Shit.. He probably knows I like him now.

"Why would you care?" He raised an eyebrow.

Should I tell him I like him? No don't be stupid. That'd be suicide. He would completely out me to the whole entire school. Then the names would start 'Faggot?' 'You think I'd actually like you back? don't make me laugh!' My face dropped. I didn't know what to say.

"I-I just..." I was interrupted by Hedwig flying through the class window and towards me. I guess she couldn't find my secret admirer. I pouted sadly, how am I going to reply to this guys letter? He is probably so upset and has the wrong idea. I was just confused, I know now.

No one noticed her fly in as it was a usual thing for peoples owls to fly in and out of the classroom.

Draco looked up watching as Hedwig flew towards me and landed on the desk.

"Again?" I sighed and reached for the letter but Hedwig dodged my hand and went towards Draco. What? I raised an eyebrow at her. What is she doing?

"Come here Hedwig." She ignored me and stopped in front of Draco. Draco looked at me confused. Wait...

She dropped the letter in front of him and came back to me, rubbing her head proudly.

Could he be...

My mouth hung open slightly. Malfoy stared at me, then the letter, and back at me. He opened it slowly and read the name it was sent to. He froze just holding the letter with his mouth parted and eyes wide.

He... He can't be?

"Draco?" I asked using his first name, and not only in my head this time.

Quietness. He didn't move, he didn't speak. He just sat there, in what I assumed was shock, doing nothing.

"Y-You're my..." I paused.

"You're my secret admirer?" I stared at him as he turned looking me in the eyes. My heart was about to explode out of my chest.

He was quiet until he coughed awkwardly. His voice was soft but shaking slightly. "I..." He started but stopped again. I light blush spread across his cheeks as he scratched the back of his head and looked away.

Was this really happening. Like right here? Right now? With Draco... aka my crush. Aka my rude, but secretly sweet and gorgeous rival? He likes me back? or maybe this is all a joke?This has to be a dream. Come on, Wake up Harry. I pinched my arm under the desk. Nothing. This was really happening. Oh god I'm going to throw up. Not really but still.

He looked back staring straight in the eyes and me staring into his icy blue ones, which caused me to blush back. He had an expression I'd never seen before on his face, a sense of nervousness, seriousness, and what looked to be as if he... cared?

He gulped before he spoke. "I can explain."

Secret Admirer (A Drarry Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin