Fighting Warlocks for Dummies

Start from the beginning

Fourth and fifth period are monotonous and long and I’m so relieved when the lunch bell rings that I momentarily forget all about Dominico. That is until Jaz takes on a strange look,

“Hey, you OK?” Ryan asks as the three of us walk down to the cafeteria. Jaz nods,

“Yeah, let’s go sit by Dominico over there,” she says. I cast a look of disgust in the direction Jaz points to the preppy brainless cheerleaders and the equally brainless and dramatic football players. Right in their midst of popularity stands Dominico. Ryan catches my about-to-vomit look,

“Uh, it looks like he’s a bit preoccupied. Come on, Jaz. He’ll come over if he wants to talk to us,” Ryan says, steering us towards are normal table. Immediately ten random kids get up and sit down in our spots. I don’t know about anyone else’s schools but here people never change their seats from the first day to the last. This is weird. I take one look at Dominico’s eyes and know that the amount of weirdness has doubled but there is no longer a lack of explanation. Jaz starts to pull us both unwillingly back over to Dominico. Why is she so set on sitting over there? Then I notice how…blank her expression is. Uh, no he didn’t! He did not just possess my best friend!

I force myself to relax. Ooh he’s going to pay for this later. No witch in the history of ever has been a damsel in distress. I’m no exception. I can and will kick this guy’s butt around the block and back again if that’s what it takes to straighten him out. He messed with the wrong girl.

Just as Jaz is about to drag us into calling distance of the popular table (or as I call it the zombie safety zone) Izabella swoops in.

“Hey guys! Want to eat outside? It’s beautiful out today!” Oh my gosh thank you, you amazing person!

“That’s a great idea! Come on Jaz!” Ryan says as he grabs her arm and pulls her out of the cafeteria. I could kiss both of them right now. I have the best friends in the whole wide world. Period. I love them all.

We walk across the athletic fields to sit under a silver maple tree that is starting to lose its amber leaves. I don’t eat much during the whole lunch period nor talk. I’m plotting how to really get at Dominico tonight. There are so many different ways…I could make the strings in his clothes tighten so he can barely breath…I could light him on fire…Ooh! What if I beat him senseless with that long hair of his? I hope he realizes that he has no chance against me. What is he going to do? Persuade me to insanity? Witches rule, warlocks drool. With my silent and Jaz’s…current state it is up to Ryan and Izabella to make conversation. And may I say that they do an excellent job at it!

“Come on, Superman is not the greatest superhero. He has all the powers in the world yet he faints at a rock and actually fails at saving the world from a normal guy! Remember? He has to go back in time because he messed up so bad. Black Widow all the way!” Izabella argues with Ryan.

“Yeah and how much do you know about Black Widow? She’s Russian and was a bad guy before Hawkeye convinced her to work with SHEILD. Big whoop,” Ryan defends.

“Uh, you obviously missed Ironman 2. She was awesome! You can not go ragging on Black Widow until you can take down fifteen guys in less than a minute. And she’s not allergic to a rock.” Ryan stuck his tongue out at that last comment and Izabella did the same. I let myself smile a little. They look so childish, sticking their tongues out arguing over the best superhero. I wholeheartedly agree with Izabella though. Superman stinks. Come on? Alien with the power of just about everything can’t beat a guy with a book? Nerd-power and all but no.

My mind drifts from Superman and Lex Luther to my next two periods. I share both of them with Dominico. Heck! I share a computer with him in seventh period! Maybe I should go to the nurse. Anything to get out of class with that small minded idiot. I was pretty mad at him in first period. Scratch that. I was furious. Now I’m even more furious. If he thinks he can start possessing everyone just because he figures out that I’m a witch, he is sadly mistaken. Ryan and Jaz get up to go put up their trays and Izabella leans over.

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