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A little boy was struggling to learn his ABC's so his teacher set him homework to learn them by asking his parents to help.

When he got home, he went over to his mother, who was on the phone, and asked to say the ABC's. His mother shouted "SHUT UP! CAN'T YOU SEE I'M ON THE PHONE!"

Then he went to his farther, who was half asleep, and asked him what the ABC's were. The farther replied "hmmmm" still half asleep.

Next he went up to his older brother and the older brother said "B..B..B..B..B..BATMAN" and the little boy,once again, went to away.

Next, he went to his little sister and she sang "broom broom in my little pink car" and the boy went away.

The next day at school, his teacher asked his to way the ABC's. The little boy shouts "SHUT UP, CANT YOU SEE THAT IM ON THE PHONE!"

The teacher, shocked, shouts "Go to the headmasters office immediately. And the little boy goes to the headmasters office with the appalled teacher behind.

The teacher tells the headmaster what happened and the headmaster asked the boy "why did you say that?" and the boy replies "hmmmm"

The headmaster, getting annoyed says "who do you think you are?" and the little boy said back "B..B..B..B..B..BATMAN"

Then the headmaster says "How exactly do you think you will get away with this?" and the boy sings"broom broom in my little pink car"

these jokes arn't all mine so you can use them if you want to

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