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Alison silently creeps towards the large gates of Strawberry Fields and opens them, trying not to create a racket. She takes a deep breath and flicks her hair back. "Hopefully Lennon's not going to waste my time," she enters and spots John under a tree, waiting. He doesn't notice her at first but when she becomes within a few yards he shouts, "hurry up Al!" And grins. Cautiously, Alison walks nearer, "hey Lennon."
"Please, just call me John," he smiles and pats the ground, "sit here if you like."
Alison follows his orders and sits down under the shady tree, "did you enjoy performing then?" She asks,not making eye contact with John.
"It was okay, Ringo was a little shaky but other than that we did fine." He pulls a blade up and slots it between his teeth like a farmer.
"Ringo was a little shaky." Why does he have something against Ringo?
Alison didn't ponder the thought because John started goofing around, "stop it silly!" She giggles. John blushes and sits back down. He glances into Alison's eyes but quickly directs his eyes at the building in the distance. "They do a nice afternoon tea there," he says, looking at Strawberry Fields.
"Oh yeah?"
"Fancy going?"
"Okay then," Alison smiles and picks up her satchel. John goes to hold her hand but she keeps her distance, "not yet." She thinks and begins to head across the field.

"Two teas and some scones please," John smiles and winks at the waitress, "ow!" He exclaims. "What did you kick me for?"
"She's almost 10 years older than you John!" She giggles.
The waitress struts away in disgust and John and Alison laugh in hysterics. The food eventually arrives, "milk or sugar?" John asks, holding a teacup.
"Milk and one sugar, tah," Alison smiles.
John swirls his tea, "so, how are you?" He softly smiles and takes a bite of his scone.
"I never had him down as a posho," Alison laughs to herself, "teas and scones!?"
"What's so funny?" John asks curiously.
"You! You act all tough at school and then take me here to have tea and scones," she laughs.
John blushes but says nothing. Eventually, "it's that damn Mimi, first she gets me into books and now I take the birds to Strawberry Fields for scones." He laughs.
"Mimi?" Alison sips her tea.
"My Aunt, Mum died last year." He looks down and wipes away a tear, "I lived with Mimi all my life but I was about to move out. Then Mum died so still I live with that cow, I mean my Aunt." He says, trying not to get into a habit because if Mimi found out what John called her the whole world would know about it.
"My Dad died a few months ago," Alison sniffles, "he was killed."
"Oh I'm sorry Al." John takes Alison's hand and holds it tight. Alison doesn't let go, why should she? John seemed like a nice person.
"It's not your fault," she smiles and tightens onto John's hand even more, "it's the stupid cow who killed him."
"I know." John smiles sympathetically and shuffles closer to Alison. "It's okay." He pulls Alison in for a hug and holds onto her. "Let's go back to the tree." He smiles and leaves the bill.
They walk back to the tree arm in arm.

"Wow, you can see all of Liverpool from up here!" John exclaims and gestures for Alison to come up the tree with him.
"Really?" Alison rushed up. Even though she cared for her appearance that didn't mean Alison didn't like climbing trees.
"Haha no." John laughs, "I just wanted to be up here with you."
"How do you tell someone you love them?"
"Well, say it to them because you never know when it'll be too late," he smiles.
"I'll go and tell Ringo." Alison thinks.
"Speaking of that," John clears his throat and shuffles closer to Alison, "do you live um me?"
Alison raises her eyebrows and suddenly her throat becomes dry.
"Well Ringo is- oh screw it, I think you extremely cute and funny John." She giggles and blushes.
"Really." She smiles and hugs John. John hugs her back and they stay am in arm up in the tree, watching the sunset for the rest of the evening.

(Yes, that tree is the one in SFF music video 😉🌿🎈)

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