chapter 5

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Farkle and I were sitting on the couch waiting for Maya to arrive. I stated into Farkle's eyes. Then all the sudden the intercom bussed. I panicked inside, I ran towards the intercom and ushed the button "It's Maya I'll be up in a minute" Maya said through the intercom. "Can't wait" I replied, I then ran over to Farkle grabbed on his arm and walked over to my lovely parents looking confused as ever. "Don't say a word about this to Maya" I stated not wanting a response, then ran to my room, after I entered my room I let go of Farkle's arm then opened the closet door, "I'm sorry about the again" I said motioning towards the closet "Its OK Riley I could never be mad at you" Farkle said walking into my closet, he looked upset I wonder why. I then closed the door quietly then walked out of my room gracefully. Right when I entered the dining room\living room my dad quickly asked "Where is Farkle?" "In my closet" I said smiling "" Oh was acting how he used to act when Lucas was in my room "its fine dad, after Maya leaves Farkle and I will go spying on their date" I said folding my hands like so. Dads face was unexplainable. Then the door opened "MAYA" I shouted running towards Maya and hugged her. "Hi Honey" she said hugging me. "Bay window?" I asked after we stopped hugging. "Yeah but why does your dad look weirder then before?" We laughed then linked arms and headed to my room I could hear dad yell "Hey" as we walked away. We sat on the bay window as usual. "So..?" I asked while looking at my teal painted nails. "I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS DATE I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING" Maya bursted out. I hugged her, she was shaking a little from excitement. "I'm really going to miss you though" she added. "Its OK peaches I'll be fine" she then put her head on my shoulder like always. I then heard a noise coming from my closet aka Farkle I hoped Maya didn't hear it, if she did she probably would have mentioned it, I smiled hoping this (our friendship) would never end.

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