Chapter 4 | I'm jealous of the way you're happy without me

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Jasmine's POV

I walked in the hallway with my only friend Kaitlyn. We were talking about homework when Peter walked towards us.

"Hi Jasmine!" he exclaimed.

"Hey Peter!"

"So I was wondering if you would like to maybe hangout later? Maybe at 7?"

"Yeah sure."

"Okay can I get your number so I can text you?"

"Yeah." He handed me his phone and I put in my name with a few emojis next to it. Then I typed in my number.

"Thanks, I'll text you later!" he said, walking away.


Maybe this would help me get over him.

I continued talking to Kaitlyn as we headed to the cafeteria.

"Hey look, it's Newton over there!" Kaitlyn whispered.

"Yeah, ugh whatever." I spotted him sitting at a table with the popular group. He was sitting next to Stacey, but slightly closer than they were usually. Wait what?

If I said I wasn't slightly jealous I'd be lying.

Newton's POV

"So she was like, wearing these big ass shoes with dangly shit around it, and I was like, oh my God, what are those?!" Stacey complained to me, but I wasn't really listening. I sat at a table next to Stacey with the populars, eating lunch. As I looked up, I saw those ever so familiar chocolate brown eyes that shimmered in the darkness. I went out of my daydream and realised Stacey sitting by my side, closing the gap between us. Weird. I ignored it and just continued eating my lunch.

I observed Jasmine eating her lunch. I'm sorry if this sounds really creepy, but I can't get my mind off her. She was so captivating.

"So are you going with Peter tonight?"


"Have fun on your date!"

"Mm hm."

What? She's going on a date with Peter?

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