A/n: Everything Is On Hold

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Hey guys, I know you have all been looking forward to my next update, and trust me, I am too. Unfortunately, it is not in the cards for us as of now.

I have been struggling to write lately, and I would blame writer's block for this, but then I wouldn't be handling my actions with the right amount of responsibility like I should, so here it is.

For the past six months (since I've begun my writing on wattpad) I have been struggling with anxiety and depression, and although I never admitted to myself that I was, the effects were just as damaging.

The basic story, without getting into too much detail, is that after I graduated high school, I lost contact with most of my close friends during the summer, and at the same time, I was given a job with my family's local business, thus limiting my social contact, and then moved out shortly after (which is when things really started spiraling down).

I got into homestuck. REALLY into homestuck, and I suspect that my love and passion for the fandom was my crutch to dealing (or rather avoiding) the issue of lack of social contact. I began OBSESSING over homestuck and it's fandom, and even starting cosplaying, which btw, is really great.

(I know this is already longer than expected, but I feel like you all deserve the explanatioin)

Through cosplaying, however, I began to develop this really negative image of myself, since I live in a community where most people aren't all that open minded to cosplay, and would automatically label me as a freak. This led me to alienating myself from my own family, who couldn't see the battle I was slowly losing.

Finally, after this all bearing down on me, I had a breakdown last week, and my sister (who is my closest and dearest best friend, who had always known of my struggles, who had watched me battle it out, who always tried to reassure me, who had always wanted nothing more than for me to be comfortable and happy) forced me to confess to my parents mid-breakdown. I told my parents everything, from my loneliness to my job that I loathed and my horrible hatred of myself. I am now staying with them in their care until we can get this all worked out.

Goal one is to change my work environment in hopes it will increase social activity. Goal two is to eventually recover enough to start staying on my own again.

I really wish I could tell you all that this is some sob story I've made up because I've gotten lazy in my writing, I really REALLY do. But that's not the case here, and I'm going to be taking a leave of absence from writing, as well as posting this same content on all of my other incomplete stories.

Thank you guys so much for your continued support. I know I'll come back from this, but it might take awhile. I love you all, and I'll be back as soon as I can, I promise.



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