You are so complicated, Sam Winchester!

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"I'm just saying, if you're gonna do a burger, do it right. Why is this turkey and tofu nonsense even on the menu?" Dean asks as he's reading the menu to some hole in the wall diner we're eating lunch at.
The waitress came over to take our order and before they could answer I said  "You two are so predictable. Dean'll have the greasiest, meatiest burger he can get his hands on, and Sam, the greenest salad you guys can make. Am I right?" I ask, sitting back and crossing my arms, awaiting their responses.
They just shake their heads and sigh.
"That's what I thought. Oh, & I'll have a vanilla milkshake."
"I hate when Violet's right." Dean sighs.
"It's the worst. Now look at that smug little smile on her face. That's the worst part. She knows she's won." Sam adds.
"Get used to it boys." I chuckle.

I've been hunting with the Winchesters for about a month now and we're all starting to get comfortable with each other. Sometimes I forget what I'd be doing if I weren't stuck with these two. These were the best days, though. The days when we have no specific case and kind of live normally. We often spend it relaxing, eating junk food, making fun of each other, and researching possible cases because life doesn't make sense without having one. Also, Dean is a bit of a workaholic.
"C'mon let's all just enjoy a nice meal at this lovely establishment." Dean says.
Suddenly his phone starts ringing.
"Yeah, I know, but that's been taken care of."
"Of course. I'll be up there just as soon as I can."
"Who was that?" Sam asks.
"Sheriff Jody Mills. She said she suspects there's something weird going on in Sioux Falls. There's been a string of the same kind of deaths. They keep calling them animal attacks because they can't figure anything else out." He says.
"Sounds like our kinda thing." Sam says.
"So, we'll eat and then hit the road." Dean says.

Once we got to Sioux Falls, Jody immediately wanted to take us to see the victims bodies to see if we could recognize the symbol.
"Violet, we'll be out in a little bit." I tell her.
"No way, I'm coming in!" She demands.
"No you're not. And trust me you aren't missing out. It's not a fun thing to do, examine corpses." I argue.
"I'm so sick of you guys treating me like a child because I'm a girl. I can handle just as much as you guys can, and maybe I'll see something that you'll miss. Isn't that why I'm here? To help?"
"Violet, you're staying outside and that's the end of it." Dean says more abruptly.
She shakes her head and rolls her eyes, but stays outside. For some reason she'll listen to Dean more than me.
"She's not ready for this. I don't want her seeing this kind of stuff." Dean says.
"I know, I know. And it's not that she isn't capable it's just that there's some parts of this life that I don't want to expose her to." I add.
"You wanna know what I think?" Jody asks.
"What?" We both ask.
"You guys are idiots." She adds.
"You can't treat her like that because she's a girl and she's a little younger than you. I get that you want to protect her and that's sweet, but you need to let her do things on her own. How do you think I got where I needed to be? Sure, I had people looking out for me, but I never stayed back on anything. You can't afford to with this kind of stuff. She needs to learn so she can protect herself in case you guys ever can't."
"Damn it." Dean says.
"She's right." I add.
I open the door and let Violet in.
"We're sorry that we can be too overprotective sometimes." I tell her.
"It's okay. Now what are we looking at?" She asks eagerly.
"So this is what has me concerned." Jody points out a triangular shaped scar on the victim's chest.
"They all have this scar?" Dean asks.
"Yep, and I know damn well it's not from any animal. So far, they've all been teenagers from the same high school."
Dean sighs.
"Okay, Sam, you and Violet go back to the motel and check the lore for this symbol. Call me if you find anything. I'm gonna stay here with Jody and do more research on the vics."
"Okay." I say. And we were off to the motel.

"Find anything?" I ask Sam, who's nose is dug deep into his laptop.
"Nothing, you?" He asks.
"Nope. I was suspecting werewolves at first but this book mentions nothing about werewolves in correlation to the marking." I tell him.

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