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- Love is Friendship Set on Fire

Author: Me (2017)
Summary: Ariana gives really good foot massages. It takes a lot of convincing to get her to give you one though. Harry and Niall battle it out at ping pong; winner gets a foot massage.


"Look at him, he can't even hear me." Niall motions to Harry who is lost in his own world, head bowed, his attentiveness directed more so to his phone than the ping pong game happening in front of him. "Harry?" Niall tries again, but his only response from Harry is a quiet hiccup of laughter at what was on his screen.

"I'm going to throw this at you, I swear." Niall mutters as he readies his aim, but he is stopped by Liam who raises his hand in front of him.

"I'll take his place. Honestly Niall, it's your fault for asking him to play in the first place when clearly he's not interested." Liam says as he makes his way to Harry's end of the table.

Harry doesn't flinch when Liam gives his arm a light push, but he moves off to the side anyway by the inertia. He keeps going until he nearly falls into a set of stacked chairs, where only then does he look up from his phone to save himself from falling.

He sees Liam with his paddle standing where he was and is genuinely confused.

"Hey, I thought we were going to play a game."

"Didn't look like it to me." Niall mutters as he serves the ping pong ball.

The game ensues. Harry prepares to defend himself but his phone rings and grabs his attention instead. He answers the phone and is happy to hear an equally elated voice on the other end.

"Hey, I'll send someone down to collect you." He waits, then blushes. "I mean, me too babe."

Niall couldn't help but look over at Harry. Seeing him nearly fall was enough to keep him in a good mood for the rest of the day, but witnessing him turn to mush at the hand of whoever he was speaking to was rewarding as it gave him plenty of material to use against him in the future. Nevertheless, it was good to see his friend truly happy for once.

Liam scores, congratulating himself with a roar of joy. They continue the game. Back and forth, the tension grew. Harry follows the game, turning his head whichever way the ball flew.

The game comes to a halt when Niall feels a pair of arms trap him in a vice. They squeeze him and nearly lift him off his feet, but he's only in the air for a short second before the person drops him. He sees a few inches of hair sway behind him and it doesn't take him long to recognize the person behind him.

"Ariana, Jesus." Niall staggers, making sure he doesn't end up falling on her.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist." She says as she lightly slaps his bum. "So, what have you kids been up to?"

"Nothing, just chilling." Niall says, "Playing some pong before the show, you know, the usual."

"Nice," Ariana trails off as she peers at Harry who appears to be patiently waiting for her to excuse them both, "well, do you mind if I steal Harry for a bit?"

"Go ahead, he won't be missed." Niall says as Harry shoots him a glare while walking past him. "I meant that with love." Niall reassures him, though the spectrum of his jokes isn't at all new to Harry who knew Niall was only teasing.

Harry walks alongside Ariana down the hall, heading towards the area where their dressing rooms were. Ariana finds it difficult to keep up with Harry whose long legs gave way for long strides which meant she had to keep up at a faster pace. It seems like Harry is in a rush, but Ariana has no time to complain as they arrived at the door to his dressing room soon enough.

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