Sneak Peek

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"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" someone shouted from the other room.

"Greg, let's turn back now. I don't like the feeling of being here. It's giving me goosebumps." Alice said as she held onto Greg's arms.

"Hell no! This is going to be fun! I can feel it. I wonder what scared that dude on the other room." he smirked putting up a tough persona.

"Who do you think invited us here?' Alice said to avoid the silence inside the dark room.

"I don't know and I don't care. FUCK! What was that." Greg said  he felt something touch him.

"What was what Greg? Stop joking around will you?" she said almost crying.

"I'm not jo-....SHIT! There it is again!"

"What is it Greg? Tell me or I'll go crazy here."

Amidst the darkness of the room, it also reeks of rotten smell.

"It's nothing Alice. I just felt something cold touched me.Let's move on. I don't want to lose this game."

"That's the attitude! Keep it up and you might as well finish the game." The voice of the host resonated all over the room.

"Are we being watched?" Alice whispered.

"Yes, I am watching all of your moves. And I can see that you're almost past the dark alleys of the room. Walk straight ahead and you'll find you're first challenge."

"Now you're talking! Let's go Alice! Don't wanna be the last one finishing the game."

"But-..." before she could react, Greg took her arm and suddenly ran staright forward.

"See there? That's our exit! Let's go!" and they ran faster towards the light.

"Thank God!" Alice said panting.

They've entered into a bigger room with a bed in the middle and a blinking light as their guide.

"So what's the challenge?" Greg called out.

"Welcome to the Operating Room. Glad you made it. See that bed in the middle? Lying in there is your patient. She wants a facial treatment. Can you give it to her?"

"That's easy!" Greg walked towards the bed with Alice on the tail.

"Is it a real person or a manequin?" she asked as they stood beside the table.

A figure was covered from head to toe in red velvet cover.

"We'll see about that." and Greg raised the cover to see their patient and...

"FUCK!" he shouted.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Alice wailed as she saw whose body it was.....

. . . to be continued. . . 


So this is a Sneak Peek of my upcoming Suspense Story to be published starting November 1. 

It would be 13 chapters, one chapter a day would be the target update. So it would be 13 days of suspense, thrill and horror.

I purposely made this as my way of celebrating the upcoming Halloween. >.<

So since I'm realeasing the Sneak Peek early, I'd like to request for at least 20 VOTES for it.

Please wait for it's publishing date and hope you'll support this story of mine!



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