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I stare at Johanna witch seems like forever then she finally says...

"Well you going to say something or stare at me like an idiot?"

"I saw Peeta, he was in the woods" I say, trying not to sound like a complete fool

"Well, you must have been hallucinating because there was no Peeta" Johanna tells me

"No I wasn't I saw him running in the woods. You must have seen it too because you running towards him too" I say, regaining my memory

"I was running after you because you were running towards nothing" Johanna says, almost raising her voice.

"But I saw-" she then cuts me off

"Yeah, yeah, you think you saw lover boy. Katniss, YOU DIDN'T SEE HIM" Johanna yells

Alough Johanna may be right, I did see him. It felt so real and...I don't know. All I know is that I have to find Peeta. Just one thing I don't know is where he might be.

"Johanna, I have to find Peeta"I say, getting up

"Okay, how are you planning to do that?" Johanna asks me

"I don't know. Do you know anyone who could possibly help?" I ask, hoping she is going to say yes.

It takes a while for Johanna to answer then she says...

"Actually I do. Finnick had a younger brother... Flynn. He can help you" Johanna says, with a sad look on her face.

"Thank you. Is Flynn in District 4?" I ask

"Yeah, he is. I can take you there then be on my way" she says

"Johanna, I would actually like if you'd stick with me" I say. She says okay, and we head back to the train.

The next train comes in two hours and Johanna and I hop on.


Johanna and I finally make it to District 4. Its really beautiful here. Well any District other then 12 is beautiful to me.

We get off the train and walk to the beach. The beach is like the Seam in District 12. But its a beach in District 4.

We walk on the smooth and warm sand by the water until Johanna sees someone

"There" Johanna says pointing to the guy in a shack.

We run over to the shack and Johanna says


"Oh Johanna! How are you?!" Flynn says with excitement then he goes around back to gives Johanna a hug.

"Not so good. Katniss here has a problem." Johanna says

"Hello Ms. Everdeen" Flynn says to me.

"Please call me Katniss" I say

"Finnick always taught me to be a gentlemen to the ladies. Especially to the pretty ones" Flynn says

"Your 14. She's 20. Idiot" Johanna says " Anyways can you do us a favor"

"Anything for you" Flynn says with a smile "to what is my plesure to do so?"

"We need you to track Peeta Mellark" Johanna says

"Sure, let's go into the shack. This way ladies" Flynn says

We walk around to the shack and go through a door. It goes downstairs and then I see what looks like where he lives.

"Sorry the place is so small, but since Finnick...well you know, I had to find a place on my own. So I made this." Flynn says

"You made your house under the ground?" I ask, surprised.

"Yep" Flynn says "okay, now time to find Peeta Mellark."

He goes to his computer and then says

"Peeta Mellark. Victor of 74th and 75th hunger games. Rebel"

That's when a hologram pops up and shows me where Peeta is.

"Oh my god Peeta" I say and run to the hologram. Then Flynn says

"He's in..." Then he trails off

"Where? Where is he Flynn?" I demand

"The Capitol"

"The Capitol. That means he's safe" I say. I know he is safe because of President Paylor. She knows Peeta and I and will do almost anything for us.

"Thank you Flynn" I say and run out of the shack with Johanna following.

We run along the beach and end up on the train. Going to the Capitol. Peeta, oh how I miss him. I understand why he left, just why couldn't he stay and talk with me?

"Hey Katniss, Peeta is going to be okay" Johanna says

"Yeah I know he will be but I'm just worried. I just saw him two weeks ago for the first time in two years and now he is gone" I say, with tears falling from my eyes.

"You'll find him. But just to let you know, if you don't find Peeta, you always have Flynn crushing on you" Johanna says with a smile. I laugh a little.

I just hope I can find Peeta.

AURTHORS NOTE: Sorry for the short chapter. But the next chapter ( I think ) will be longer. It has lots of events😂😂 ;) THANKS FOR READING AND PLEASE VOTE/SHARE/COMMENT!!!! Everlark_Katniss

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