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Shawn's POV:

I know it.

The dirty secrets that she keeps, I know it's killing her and me as well.

She's been out every single day, she never spends time with me anymore and it's killing me.

It's tearing me apart, she's slipping away.

Am I just hanging onto all the words she used to say?

The pictures on her phone.

It's all pictures of her and another guy.

Somebody opened the bedroom door.

It's her.

She went to hug me but I pushed her away.

"What's wrong?" She frowned "Don't play dumb Y/n, I know everything." "What?" She said confused.

"I know what you did Y/n." "Shawn I-" "You just lied to me there's no other! I know it all, tell me, tell me where you've been?" I yelled at her as she looked away "Tell me Y/n, Tell me!" I yelled again "I know what you did I know it Y/n, look me in the eyes and tell me where you've been." I calmly said.

She looked at me and sadly said "I'm sorry Shawn, I just-" "You just what? Am I not good enough for you?" She went silent.

She looked at my eyes, they don't seem as bright.
(A/n: You're free to comment 'My eyes are really dark Shawn they're dark brown/black')

No more.

"Did you really even loved me?" I asked "I love you." "We promised that we wouldn't do anything to break us apart but you broke it."

"This is tearing me apart Y/n, you're always away from me, I'm just hanging from all the words you used to say, and the pictures on your phone you won't believe it but I've been looking on your phone and what do I find, BULLSHIT."

"I know what you did, you just lied told me there's no other, but I know what you did." I cried because it burns, like the feeling of not being good enough and the feeling of being cheated on.

"You know I didn't mean it though." "Tell me!" "Just please!" "Tell me where you've been lately tell me where you've been lately."

"It's gonna hurt you." She cried, it pains me to see her cry but she deserves it "Just tell me." "I've been cheating." "I knew it!"

"We're done." I said "You don't mean that." "I do now get out you!" I yelled then she got out of the house.

I know.
OMG! How'd I do omg im sorry if its very bad. But who tf would cheat on Shawn like really who would wanna cheat on a good man *sigh* I FRIGGEN LOVE HIM!!!

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