Author's Note

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Welcome to my Hetalia fanfiction!

This is one of my first anime-based fanfictions, so I'm super excited to get writing.

This story is obviously based around Canada's history, since Hetalia leaves most of it out. Poor Matthew ;-;

I'm going to be trying to make this seem as though you're reading Hetalia episodes. The "narrator" parts will show up once in a while (not often, but sometimes), often to show time skips or explain what exactly is happening in a little more depth. Those will be written in italics. You'll catch on quick.

There will be some touchy subjects, mainly war, so be aware if you don't like blood and violence.

I've done a lot of research on Canadian history prior to writing this, and everything is based off some event in Canadian history, although I will be adding blurbs here and there of fluff or silliness, because come on, Hetalia isn't Hetalia without some silliness 😄

There will be a lot of focus on Manitoba, simply because she's my main OC, although the other provinces will be mentioned numerous times.

Enjoy the story and learn lots!

Bonus to you if you read the italics parts in the narrator's voice.

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