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Apparently what I needed to do was my job, as Tasha posed me around the closed store dusting off shelves, cleaning the windows, even falling asleep at the cashier. By the end of the shoot I felt slightly bored and more than a little stupid but Tasha left with a smirk and a cackle so at least she was happy.

As I was closing up shop Tiff said her goodbyes and wished me a happy Sunday off. Before she had even finished I waved and booked it out of there. I think my cheeks might be permanently damaged from holding that customer service smile all day.

Hitting the mattress with Breen snuggled up beside me was a spiritual experience. I had fought monsters, titans, gods, and wars and somehow customer service was more emotionally exhausting. I honestly could have slept right through the next morning but not even thirty minutes after closing my eyes, a knock at the door reminded me that magic was a thing.

"Hey Percy! You ready to- you look awful!" Hermione said, which, rude. "Thanks." I deadpanned, leading her back to the training room. "Sorry!" Hermione said, flustered. "I didn't mean it like that! You just look tired. Here, drink this!" She said, handing me an ominously viscous, murky blue liquid in a glass vial. I looked at the vial now in my hand, looked at Hermione, then looked back at the vial. How much did I trust this girl again?

"Don't worry, it's just an invigoration draught. It's actually one of the better tasting potions!" She said as if that was at all reassuring. She had already taught me that in terms of potion taste the bar was in Tartarus. I took a deep breath in and downed it in one go.

The best way I could describe the taste is mint mouthwash. Not something I would usually willingly consume; however, the immediate caffeine-like high it gave me left a manic grin on my face. Now that was a useful potion. Hermione must have seen the greedy glint in my eye because she quickly warned me that "the invigoration draught is only for occasional use due to it's highly addictive properties, which are facilitated by-" she went on. She was probably saying important things but my brain decided to focus on Breen chasing a hooting Lena right behind Hermione's head. Oops?

After I fumbled my way through replying to whatever she just said, Hermione started the lesson. We had moved on from basic spell work to transfiguration, and I started to question the priorities of witches and wizards when deciding what magic to teach. Why was there a spell that turns a cup into a mouse? And why did the wizard world think that was something eleven year olds needed to know?

I asked as much to Hermione, and she gave me a thoughtful look. "Typically when children first get to school they have trouble properly channeling and controlling their magic. These transfiguration spells are perfect for teaching these basics because there are so many tells if you aren't using magic properly like your cup having a tail or fur." She said, watching as I offhandedly shuffled my cup from a chalice to a mug to big gulp container. "You, however, seem to have picked up on channeling almost immediately! I don't know if it's because you are older or just have an affinity but it almost seems that you have been wielding power your whole life!" She exclaimed.

I awkwardly laugh as I rack my brain for how to change the subject. "Yeah, weird. Er, I have tomorrow off and I was wondering if you had any recommendations? I want to explore the wizard world some more."

That was obviously the right question. The rest of our tutoring session was hijacked by Hermione explaining the different wizarding hubs across the UK and their history. The sheer amount of knowledge she crammed into an hour lesson was as impressive as it was useless. Ten minutes in and her words were going in one ear and out the other again, but I heard enough to catch Hogsmeade, Hogwarts, and Ottery St. something.

Also, who the Hades names a school pig fungus?

Pls don't kill me🙃
Once I actually finish this fic I will post an author's note explaining why my last update for this fic was 6 frickin years ago but for now, I feel I owe y'all a little explanation.

Basically I started this fic when I was 12, my dad found it, I got really embarrassed and tried to forget about it. I deleted the app, lost my password, and didn't look back. I recently found this fic again through a friend who had mentioned it and, guys, I never in a million years thought this fic would get so much attention and love. I just want to say thank you so much for liking my story. All of the comments and the likes made me laugh and cry, and I just want to say I'm really sorry for dropping this. I'm in college now, and I think you guys more than deserve this story to be finished. I spent my summer planning out the rest of this book, and this time I plan to see it through. I haven't written in a while so I don't know if this will live up to expectations but I still love both of these series and, honestly, I owe it to you and myself.

Thank you for liking this fic, and I can't wait to go through this adventure with y'all!

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