"Architecture." Charlie's eye widen. "Wait. That's shorty is a architect?! Unbelievable." Sophia chuckled. "He was. But now he's jobless. How about you Charlie?" "I have a degree in aerospace engineering and in business studies." "So you can fix a plane?" Charlie chuckled. "I don't fix it. I design them. Mostly people who have a degree in that work at a aeronautics or astronautic sectors. But I decided to be the boss in my own company."

"Can you drive a plane?" "Indeed I can. I have a pilot license." "Helicopters?" Charlie laughed. "Yes Sophia I can. I do have my own heli." Sophia's eye lit up. "Wow. You should take me sometime." "Sure. We can go visit your parents." Charlie said and winked. Sophia laughed. "Why do you even want to meet them?" Charlie took a shot of the whiskey.

"Isn't that how we meet our future in law?" That earned a heartily laughed from Sophia. "Charlie. We're still in process of getting to know each other." "Well I want to get to know your parents. And I bet Sabrina misses her grandparents." Charlie using Sabrina as an excuse to meet Sophia's parents. That made Sophia think. Maybe they do need to meet her parents. It's been months since they last meet.

"Maybe we...." Before Sophia could finished, Charlie interrupted her. "Yay! I'll do all the arrangement. We'll go this weekend. Tell Carmela to pack things up." "Wait! What?!" Charlie smiled at a confused Sophia. "I'll arrange everything. You just sit back and look pretty." Donna came with the food. It's actually pretty delicious for Charlie. "It looks.... Okay." Sophia smiled.

"Try them. Then judge." Charlie took a big bite and moan. "Okay. This is delicious." Sophia laughed. "See. I told yah. Not all cheap food taste like shit." Charlie apologise and devoured her food. Sophia's phone vibrated and she reached for it. She unlocked the phone and sighed. It's Brian. Why does he always want to disturbed her. Charlie notice the changes from Sophia gesture and wipe her mouth with the napkin.

"You okay? Who's texting?" Sophia showed the text to Charlie. Charlie read it and took the phone and delete the text. "I'll handle him. He has no rights to call you beautiful anymore. He's obviously around here. Somewhere." Charlie looked around. His eyes caught something in the corner. She chuckled and excuse herself for a second.

"You have some nerve to spy on us." Brian startled and put his hand on chest. "Look. I gave you a million. Now go the fuck away." Brian try to swing his fist to Charlie's face but Charlie easily grabbed his hand and twisted it to his back. "Look shorty. I can easily kill you. Before I lost my patient, I recommend you to stay away from me, Sophia and Sabrina. If you dont, my shot gun will be the last thing you ever seen." Charlie pushed him hard and he fell to the ground.

Charlie stepped on his chest and simply walked away. Charlie smiled at Sophia and asked for the check. Charlie paid for the food and walked towards her car. Sophia noticed something. "Charlie.... I think your tires is flat." Charlie looked confused and examine her tires. All four is flat. "That bastard!" "What bastard?" Charlie stand and called for her driver.

"The driver will come in 20 minutes." Charlie informed Sophia. "How about your car?" "I'll ask my Guards to deal with it. Don't worry. Beside I have more in my garage."

*20 minutes later*

"The office." The driver start to drive. Charlie feel lightheaded and rested her head on Sophia's shoulder. "What's wrong?" Sophia put her hand on Charlie's cheek. "Lightheaded. It's normal." Sophia smiled. "I can't wait for Philly." Sophia chuckled. "Why?"
"I want to meet yah family. Duh!" Sophia laughed and let Charlie rest.


"What kind of car is this?" Carmela asked Charlie who's  busy taking their bags. "Rolls Royce phantom. I asked Ellie to fly it here yesterday. Why?" Carmela, who always find with cars gasped. "Dude this is amazing! Mom and dad will go crazy. Well mostly dad." Charlie smiled. "Dad is a car enthusiast. He love it. Mel here love it too." 

Book 4 - I Don't Deserved To Be Love (Completed) (GirlxGirl) (Futanari)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant