Chapter II: No Reply

Start from the beginning

"But she's staring at the T.V and it's not even on!" He argued, grabbing the remote from the coffee table in front of him. "Here look, press the power button and yay! It's on!"

The flashing images stabbed your eyes. You winced and covered your face, the sudden lights and noise hurting your head.

"You idiot!"

Vanitas snatched the remote from his younger brothers hand and turned the television off before throwing the remote back at his brother. "Owww... What did I do?" He whined when the remote hit his arm.

"Can't you see it was hurting her?!" Vanitas growled. "Leave her be. You don't know what happened to her, she's not used to this environment yet. Fucking idiot...Come on {Y/N} lets go."

It seemed as if Vanitas didn't want to leave you alone with Sora, for he grabbed your wrist tightly and tried to drag you upstairs. You flinched and tore your hand away, quickly pulling your long sleeves down in case it slipped. Vanitas lifted an eyebrow in confusion as you sat there, cradling your arm as if you were protecting it.

"Maybe you're the one hurting her." Sora said with a smirk, which ended up being answered to a smack on the back of his head.

"Can you follow me then please?" Vanitas was trying his best to be patient and soft, but you could still hear the growl in his tone. However, with a small nod, you stood up from the couch and followed the raven-haired boy up to his room where you would be sleeping from now on.

The boy's parents made the two share a room so you could have your own; at least until adjustments to the house were made so everyone could have their own room. There wasn't much inside the room. Back against the far corner was your twin sized bed which was covered with large and fuzzy blue blankets and a light blue pillow to match. Beside the bed was a white wooden nightstand where a lamp presided. At the foot of the bed was a trunk so you could store your stuff in there. Across from the bed and right next to the entrance was a large wardrobe with a mirror on top and some supplies like hairbrushes and hair ties, Ect. There wasn't much of anything else except the desk that was all the way to the right of you and pressed against the wall.

You stepped out onto the gray carpet and let the dark blue paint on the walls calm you. Despite there not being much inside, it was better than back at your old home...

You cringed at the thought, which made Vanitas confused. "Are you alright?" He asked in a surprising soft tone.

You simply nodded, walking over to the bed and sitting on the edge of it. You looked down at your bare feet, staring at how bony and pale they were since you never saw the light of day for almost six years. You felt the pressure of Vanitas' eyes staring at you coldly, in which you responded by turning your head to look behind you.

You stiffened. You never noticed that window there before. Right at the foot of the bed was a window, the curtains were gently blowing with the breeze that was coming in. You stared at the window for a short while, obviously getting Vanitas worked up.

"{Y/N} what's-"

You interrupted him when you almost jumped towards the window and you slammed it shut, forcing the curtains closed in the process. Vanitas jumped with surprise and you heard a small gasp from who you knew was Sora, who had obviously snuck inside and was watching from behind his older brother. You sat on your knees with your finger tips on the window edge, panting heavily as you glared at the window. You didn't want anyone to see you. Whatever you did was no one's business.

Sora tugged on his brothers arm. "What's she doing?"

Vanitas scoffed. "I don't know. Just leave her alone." He muttered before he exited the room and leaves you alone with Sora.

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