“Urik contacted me to say they’re safe with him,” she continued. “They voluntarily returned to their planet.”

Akkadi’s jaw ticked. Aware of his father’s presence, however, he forced himself not to react. Was he angry or hurt that Mandy had left?

Or relieved not to have to see her every day when they couldn’t be together?

He despised the idea Urik had wanted Mandy since she appeared on the planet. A streak of jealousy went through him, the same he felt when he saw her arm-in-arm with Cesar. He had no right to be jealous, but he was. 

“As they wish,” he said coldly. “It might solve our issue of Mandy being known as a purebred.”

“It’s a temporary solution,” his father stated. “She belongs with one of my sons.”

Akkadi didn’t look at his father, sensing which son Akkalon was disappointed in for not knowing his duty with regards to the human. Akkadi knew it was a mistake he didn’t claim Mandy as his mate from the beginning.

“I’ll coordinate with Urik to return them when it’s safe to do so,” Akkadi said. “When Vekko is healed, he can mate with Mandy, and Akkasha with Cesar.”

“An agreeable outcome,” his father agreed.

Akkadi forbade himself from thinking about Mandy in Vekko’s arms. Instead he dwelled on the relief he felt knowing Hichele wouldn’t be on the station tonight to consummate their engagement. 

A familiar wail filled the air, emanating from the walls. It was the alarm indicating they were under some kind of threat: an attack or the entering of another alien race’s ships into the solar system. Akkadi’s first thought: the unpredictable Kini were up to some mischief. He saw them attacking just to see what the Naki would do in response, the same way they’d tested him on their planet. 

“Akkadi,” his father commanded, striding towards the door.

His mother’s guards entered the room, lining the perimeter. Akkadi trailed his father out and down the nearest lift to the battle deck. The deck was filled with activity with his eldest sister at the command console in the center. 

The Naki parted for their king, and Akkadi joined him and Akkasha at the center of the activity. His eyes took in the screens lining the windows expertly.

There was no threat in the solar system, Kini or otherwise. 

“What is it?” Akkalon asked his heir, the small woman between them.

“We’ve sealed off the middle deck. A threat was detected by the system,” she replied. 

“What kind of threat?” Akkadi asked.

“A toxin of some sort. It’s filled the personal deck belonging to our brothers and sisters.”

“Where are they?” their father demanded.

“Only Subakki was in residence,” she replied crisply. “He’s confined to his quarters with a secondary ventilation system running. I’ve sent a contingency with decontamination equipment to him. We have no casualties yet. Three affected slaves are being conveyed to the royal healing ward from brief exposure.”

Akkadi leaned forward, reading the reports crossing the small screen on her wrist. Though the toxin was contained by emergency barriers, the entire deck had been evacuated as a precaution. A chill went through him. Not only had he just missed whatever happened, but Mandy would’ve been trapped, if she hadn’t left him for the planet.  

“Akkadi, accompany a containment and testing team,” his father ordered. “Report what you see and find.”

Akkadi nodded. He left the battle command level for the utility deck of the station. The team was already waiting for him, and he donned the protective gear and secondary breathing apparatus quickly, anxious to check on his cousin and discover more about the toxin. 

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