“Yes, my king. My deepest apologies for displeasing you,” Akkadi said.

“I want heirs and dutiful children, not apologies.” It was the harshest his father had ever been towards him. The words jarred Akkadi out of the emotional turmoil in his head. He had never needed a reminder to perform his duty.

“Yes, my king. I will sire an heir before the ceremony.”

“How did the negotiations with the Kini go?”

Another issue where Akkadi had clearly failed. “Not well, Father. They are considering the proposal, but I am not certain they will agree.”

“What is their reasoning?”

That we’re not human enough. Akkadi almost snorted at the thought. He sought a better explanation, one his Naki father would be less disapproving of.

“They are reluctant to negotiate with a race so unlike theirs,” he replied. “I expect a more definitive answer tomorrow.”

“I will be there to deal with them, if needed.”

“It won’t be necessary, father.”

“Very well. Send your mother my regards. I’ll arrive in the morning.”

“Safe return, Father.”

Akkalon gave a brisk nod.

His father’s image faded. At his father’s displeasure, Akkadi knew he could no longer avoid Hichele. He had to sire an heir, as much as he did not find his betrothed mate appealing. It was duty, not love or emotion, that enabled the survival of his people.

He made a mistake with Mandy, one it was too late to repair. He’d chosen a path he had to follow, and it lay with Hichele.

Mandy was better off with one of his cousins. He was better off with Hichele. Mandy would bear another Naki prince heirs. Perhaps five, as Akkadi’s mother had, once his cousins tasted her fire. It was not something a man walked away from; no, Vekko was going to spend every night for the rest of his life bedding her, because Akkadi chose energy cells over his bloodline.

Anger filled him. How did he live with knowing some other man was taking his Mandy to bed? How did he face Mandy every day, knowing he would never feel her body beneath his again? The mere thought of touching her, tasting her sweet nectar, smelling her skin set his body on fire and filled him with yearning Hichele would never be able to fill.

Akkadi drew a deep breath to calm himself. He had tonight with her. It might be the last, but he’d make it count.

Rattled by feelings he struggled to control, Akkadi left for his quarters, determined to take a few moments of personal time to straighten himself out. He couldn’t be seen in emotional turmoil among the Nakis.

“Your mother requests your presence.”

Akkadi altered his course without a second thought, heading instead towards his mother’s quarters.

“I am pleased to find you well, my son,” she said as he entered.

Akkadi heard the tension in her voice. Her personal chambers were sealed off from view by the metal curtain she used when conducting official business with others. The formal conference area was banked by the colorful display of her wealth, the dowry she had brought with her when she mated with his father. He recognized the two other men present: his father’s most trusted advisor, Dakin, and Hichele’s father, Vinid.

They rose and bowed to him. Akkadi acknowledged them then bowed to his mother. She motioned for him to sit. He did, not allowing himself to consider the reason he was summoned to the meeting.

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