A new home a new life

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"Rise and shine kiddo!" Ford yelled to Dipper. Dipper was not a morning person, and was about to bitch to his Grunkle, before something was shoved in his hand, ahhh a coffee mug his grunkle new him too well. "Get your stuff ready kid, we're about to leave for the house." Dipper yawned, before downing half of the coffee in one swig, "ok" he said, standing up.

"Dipper there's also something I need to tell you" Ford said with a sigh, "where we're moving its still connected to the same woods as the mystery shack, so if my brother or your sister start something don't hesitate and tell me ok?"  Ford said, While Dipper thought about it 'well at least I'll still be exploring the same woods that I always have, but I'm still close to those people' Dipper thought, with a shiver.

"Yeah grunkle Ford, don't worry I'll tell you if something happens" Dipper said, "good now let's get this show on the road!" Ford said, good mood back. "Alright" Dipper said, wondering when he'll see Bill again. Dipper and Ford packed up the car before starting down the road, after about 15 minutes, before turning onto a gravel road.

  Dipper glanced up expecting to see a house like the shack, but no he was surprised when he saw a house big enough to rival the Northwest mansion. "Holy shit" Dipper gasped, "language kid" Ford laughed, "the only reason I didn't move here in the past is because I needed a small house, that nobody could find hence the mystery shack, but it's gonna be nice to finally break this ol' house in" Ford said, eyeing the house up with dipper.

  "Alright kid let's start to move in" Ford said, parking the car. "There's 5 rooms upstairs, the master bedrooms mine, and the room to the left of it will be my office, so you can pick out of the other 3 which one you want, look around a little if you want, we don't have to move stuff immediately." Ford said, giving Dipper a kind smile.

  "Wow thanks grunkle Ford!" Dipper said, before shooting off inside looking at the main entrance, there was a frickin chandelier hanging from the ceiling! "Woah" dipper gasped, moving around the house the floors in the bedrooms and the living room were carpet, while the rest was hardwood. Everything was huge! The house wasn't empty either, it already had everything they needed besides food, such as tables, a tv, microwave, dishwasher, stove, ect. The back door even led to a huge pool!

  Dipper rushed up the stairs, looking for the bedrooms. He figured out which two rooms Ford wanted, before looking at the other 3, the first room was big with a bathroom connected to it, but there were no windows, moving on to the second room, there was surprise another huge room, a bed, a desk, a window, and a bathroom connected to the room, not to mention the room was painted a beautiful midnight blue, finally the last room was large too but it didn't have a bathroom, and it was painted a bright orange, 'second bedroom it is' Dipper thought.

  Dipper went back down the stairs, and out the front door to help start moving his things in. "So kid which room did you pick?" Ford said, glancing at Dipper as they booth picked up a box, "I like the room that's painted blue" Dipper said, holding the front door open for Ford, "I thought that would be the one you picked!" Ford said, over his shoulder as he went up the stairs, Dipper following close behind.

  Dipper went to the room he picked, and set the box down before going back down stairs for another. Before long it was sunset, and Dipper and Ford were done moving. "Hey kid!" Ford shouted up the stairs, "yeah!" Dipper responded, "I'm gonna go get some fast food, what do you want?" Ford yelled, "anything!" Dipper returned, "alright kid be back soon!" Ford said walking out the front door.

  Dipper was in his room staring at his boxes with resignation. "Uggghhh" he groaned, before getting to work. Before long, his room matched his old one in the shack. "Kid I got food!" Ford shouted, as Dipper ran down the stairs. Ford handed him a burger, before sitting down at the table, they ate in silence until Ford spoke up.

  "I'm really glad you came with me kid, ya know, I always wanted kids before I got mixed up with the portal" Ford sighed, "but I'm so glad I didn't have kids, because I met you instead, your so much like me that it astounds me, I hope you have fun here kid" Ford said, giving Dipper a fond smile. "I already am" Dipper said, returning the smile.

"Good, I'm gonna go ahead and hit the hay, I'm not as young as I used to be! You probably should too, you worked hard today kid, thanks for the extra help" Ford said, "yeah no problem, I'm gonna head up to bed too, I'm exhausted!" Dipper smiled, before following Ford up the stairs.

When Dipper reached his room he yawned, before flicking on the lights not noticing the figure on his bed, before stripping himself out of his shirt glancing at his bed, Dippers eyes widened as he jumped slightly. "Bill! What the hell! you gave me a heart attack." Dipper said, grabbing his chest. "Oh please, don't stop on my account" bill smirked, running his eyes over Dipper's bare chest.

  Dipper blushed, before heading into his closet to change into pajamas, but not before murmuring, "perv" Dipper changed into his pajamas, before walking out and sighing, "can you get out of my bed" Dipper said, staring at Bill. "No can do kiddo, come here" Bill said, and Dipper complied, in his drowsy state.

  When Dipper got near enough, Bill grabbed his arms, before swinging Dipper into the bed with Bill. Dipper sighed, while Bill purred in content. "Alright kid, I'll leave you be just wanted to say good night" Bill said, nuzzling into Dippers hair, clearly not wanting to leave.

  Dipper yawned, grabbing Bill from his sitting position, and pulling him down so they were both laying down on the bed, "no stay" Dipper said, nuzzling into the demons chest, "just don't let Ford catch you in the morning" Dipper yawned. "No problem kiddo" Bill said, happily.

  "sweet dreams" Bill said, kissing his pine trees forehead. As Dipper nestled down in his blankets, he thought about his new love, and his new home, he had a new life now and that was just fine by him, and with those last thoughts sleep overcame Dipper.

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