To Noelle

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This is for the curly haired chick I've known since third grade. I remember talking to you when we were little and you told me you'd never ever cried, and I thought "Damn, this girl is a bad ass." You lied, girl, you lied. Oh well, bygones, eh?

Everything I've said so far is completely irrelevant. I'm shit at this letter thing.

I don't even know how we're friends. Hell, I don't even know how we don't hate each other's guts, and I thank the God I'm not sure I believe in (but you do) for that. I'm thankful that almost every day, we walk to class together laughing about something stupid either of us did or ranting about something someone mean did. We share poetry, read each other's conversations with people, make stupid videos, sing randomly, text people from each other's accounts, and a bunch of other shiz.

You're this fabulous, chill, talented, hardworking girl that cares way too much what people think (or maybe I care too little). We're so different, you and I. You're confident and beautiful and kind and so good at socializing, I don't even understand. At parties, I'd be the random girl in the corner eating pizza that wasn't really being served there and you'd be at the center dancing your heart out. But then you'd pull me onto the dance floor and I'd be like "oh what the hell" and start making futile attempts to dance along to your random ass moves.

Where was I?

You're so giving but so awkward at the same time. I remember today, I was up on top of the slide and someone was sitting down, and you thought they were hurt and you just stood there awkwardly like "Um, do you need help?" And they laughed and said no, thank you, and you just slowly walked off. Hahahahaha omg.

It infuriates me how you never ever ever edit your writing, which is what you were worried about today when we went over your application after you sent it (DAMN IT NOELLE YOU SHOULD HAVE SENT MORE THAN JUST ONE PIECE TO ME TO EDIT) but I'll still be your friend, no worries. You over-evaluate everything someone does or says, and you care far too much about people and what they think of you, but that's one of the reasons why I adore you. You feel so much.

You write amazing, amazing poetry (you're so damn deep like girl stahp) and sing amazingly and you should know I look up to you a lot. You're kinda like my Aila, kinda not. xD

You're smart and you work hard and you're determined, don't ever change a thing for anyone but you. You're going places, girl, and when you do, don't forget about me, ok? Stay Noelle. :) :*


Ari <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2016 ⏰

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