To My Parents

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I love you. I love you with every fiber of my being, and there is nothing in this entire universe that's ever going to change that. For nearly fifteen years you've been the best parents anyone could ask for, and you have no idea how thankful I am for that.
Apala, thank you for rocking me to sleep in your arms while you hummed African folk songs, and for being a huge influence on my movie and video game tastes. Thank you that one time we danced in the rain when I was two, in nothing but our undergarments. I got seriously sick after that, but it was totally worth it. Thank you for your criticism, even when I didn't take it so well. Thank you for working until 5AM and giving up your sleep so that we can have everything that we have now. Thank you for being there whenever I need you, with your hugs and cheek kisses and your fabulous sense of humour that I inherited, and crazy fun dancing skills that I unfortunately didn't. I don't know who I'd be without you.
Mumma, where do I even start? You've always been the steadiest person I know. The strongest, the most determined, the most hard-working, the most consistent. You're a no-nonsense woman who gets the job done, and gets it done the best way possible. You're good and giving, but you also know that you (and our family) are what comes first. You wake up so early in the morning to make breakfast, get Ryan and I ready to leave, see us out the door, and then you begin to get ready for work. You work all day and then come home, make us dinner, and yet still have the energy to scold me for not putting my clothes away. You do so much, Mumma, and I don't think I ever appreciate you enough for it. You're not very physically affectionate, but I can see how much you love us. We love you infinitely too. If I could be 1/4th of the woman you are, it would be more than enough.
I love you both so, so much. I'd be so completely, hopelessly lost without you.

~your first-born

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