introduction to therianthropy

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Summary: Definitions and information about therianthropy, I recommend you read if you are new to therianthropy

Therian Terms;
[Definitions from though some may be edited, definition credit goes to them]

What is a Therianthrope/Therian?
A Therianthrope is someone who truly believes they are earthen animal (which is not to be confused with otherkin which is a person who believes he is perhaps a dragon or what not; still the same subject though). Some believe that when the animal dies its soul can harvest itself in another body at birth or that the souls merge with theirs, others believe it is just identity disorder, or even just the complexity of the human brain. There are many other ideas as to why the person believes he, they or she is a therianthrope.

Theriotype: The animal that a therian/Therianthrope feels they are

Standard Therian: Someone who only Shifts into one animal, or one type of animal.

Polytherian: Someone who believes they can Shift into more then one animal, often two or three.

Nonshifting Therian: A Therian who has memories of being an animal, but cannot Shift at all.

Mental Shifting: Mental Shifting takes place when a person's mind reverts to their animal form. He or she begins to feel like the animal and react like the animal. (Yipping, Whining, And Howling). The senses are often heightened with this Shift as well as many others.

Phantom Shifting: Phantom Shifting occurs when the person begins to see or feel limbs of their inner animal (they may see a tail on their body, or feel like their hands are paws). Again, only they are able to see the phantom limbs, other Therians may sense the phantom limbs. Most people think that this is an actual Physical Shift, because sometimes it just gets that good.

Dream Shifting: Dream Shifting occurs when the inner animal stimulates the brain while a person is sleeping and allows them to become their inner animal in their dreams.

Astral Shifting: Astral Shifting occurs when the person is on a Shamanic journey or in their sacred place, and they are their inner animal.

Sensory Shift: When your senses shift to match those of your inner animal.

Bi-location Shifting: Bi-location Shifting is when the body supposedly makes a carbon copy of the animal inside the body and travels the lands; sometimes as a spirit and sometimes, others may believe, as a somewhat physical image of their inner animal. (Not Likely)

Aura Shifting: Aura Shifting occurs when the auric field changes to their inner animal, this often happens subconsciously or when provoked. Many believe that your inner animal is always in your aura so therefore you are always giving off your Therian aura. I notice animals and young children can sometimes see these changes, as with other Shifts.

Physically Shifting: Yes, as in DNA changes. Impossible, and this idea of therianthropy is very dangerous.

Now that is a lot to take in but read over it as many times as you need to. Remember you can always come back to look at the definitions. I recommend if you want to do more research after reading this go to the website listed above. Therianthropy is different for everyone.

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