"I'm going to introduce you to the lost boys now that I've made my claim on you visible." He said and smiled as he looked at the hickey he gave me.

"Go to hell!" I yelled with so much anger. Who the hell does he think he is!

He kidnapped me, chained me to a freaking bed, pinned me to a wall well he pushed his body against mine and told me were in fucking neverland! Now he's on top of me telling me I'm going with him to meet the lost boys after he gave me a freaking hickey. He's crazy, insane, and he scares the crap out of me.

He looked at me with an amused look on his face. "You've got fire." he chuckled "I like fire." He said in a very seductive voice.

He unchained my hands and then got off of me before pulling me up till I'm standing in front of him.

"P-please Peter j-just l-let me go." I say trying to keep me voice strong but failed as I had more tears fall from my eyes.

His dark eyes calm down to a light green like when I first met him. He sighed and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I can't Rose, I love you too much to let you go."

"This isn't love Peter, this is just lust."

"No! True my body urns to be one with yours but it's not just that. Every time I think of you my heart beats faster and faster and when I hold you in my arms I get this amazing feeling in my chest. I will do whatever I have to do to keep you here with me. Just the thought of you leaving angers me. The thought of you with another boy makes my blood boil." He said as he tightened his grip around my waist.

"But I don't love you." I said with tears running down my cheeks as I looked down at my feet not wanting to look at him.

I felt his soft hand lift my chin up so I'm looking him in the eyes.

"You will my love."

After he said that he took my hand and lead me out of the tree house. Right when we stepped outside I saw a bunch of tents and little shacks. There were a bunch of boys sitting on logs, climbing up ropes or dancing around a fire pit. When they saw me and Peter they all stopped and looked.

"My brothers, I'd like you to meet Rose. The first lost girl and queen of neverland!"

The boys began to howl and cheer. I still don't believe that I'm in neverland. This is just some crazy game these boy's are playing. Peter was smiling at me then turn to the boys. Peter told the boys to go back to what they were doing. He lead me to a log where we sat and watched some of the boys dance around the fire pit. Peter got up and pulled out a pan flut before he started playing it.

The rest of the boys came running over and started howling and making animal noises as they danced around the fire. But I can't here any music coming from the flut? Peter slowly started walking around the fire with the boys as he continued to play the pan flut.

No one is looking, now's my chance to get away and go to the police. I slowly got up and backed away till I was far enough to make a run for it. I ran as fast as I could until I came to a beach. But there are no lakes or oceans anywhere near where I live, and there was no sign of a town anywhere close. I started walking along the beach until something grabbed me and lifted me high up into the air. I was screaming because I'm terrified of heights until finally whatever had me landed in the middle of the jungle. As soon as it let me go I turned around only to see a shadow with glowing eyes floating about me.

I couldn't move from fear, it was just staring at me. I saw something come up behind it and I froze completely. It was Peter flying down till he was right in front of me and he looked pissed and worried at the same time.....Wait he can fly!?

"Well done shadow You can leave now" he said not taking his eyes off of me.

The shadow flew off into the darkness of the night sky.

As soon as I looked back at Peter he pushed me up against a tree. I shivered in fear from his dark eyes.

"It seems like you still need to be tamed my love. Running off when my back was turned. tsk tsk tsk very very bad. Perhaps sometime in the cage will give you time to think about what you've done."

with a wave of his hand I was locked up in a cage made of bamboo bars. Magic I thought to myself in shock! Once again Peter was just staring at me through the bars.

"You know I love you Rose and it hurts me to lock you up but it's for your own good darling " with that said he walked away leaving me alone.

(Peter's POV)

I didn't want to leave her but I know she just needs time to think and come to terms with her new life. She will love me in time, she will never want to leave me. Soon I will take her fully by making sweet love to her. I know she will love it and me. After all
Peter Pan never fails.

Peter Pans Kidnapped Love (Book #1 Completed) Where stories live. Discover now