Chapter - 1

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I stood in front of the school, surveying it in silence. I sighed, and started my walk towards it. I already started planning today's schedule, mentally. I was halfway done when I noticed a peculiar thing.

Majority of the people were staring in my direction.

Who knew that I had such an effect on people?

To say it made me uncomfortable was an understatement. What made it more awkward was the fact that girls had their mouths agape. I wanted to make a snarky remark like, 'close your mouth, it is prone to the entrance of flies,' or 'take a picture, it will last longer,' but of course, I couldn't do that. I looked behind me to see if they all were staring at someone else, only to find there was no one.

I didn't know how to react to that, so I just shrugged and resumed my schedule-planning and my quiet walk towards the Principal's room, with my head held high. I knew that if I don't hold my head high like that, people would pick up on me. And I was saying this from experience. Pathetic, I know.

The bell rang, signaling that the first class was about to begin. People scurried to their classes, and I rushed towards the Principal's room.

I knocked softly on the door, and muttered, 'may I come in, Ma'am?' Why was my voice so shaky?

It wouldn't even take an idiot to figure that out. Of course, it was due to my interaction-less life.

'Yes,' a masculine voice answered. Oops, my bad.

I entered, and the Principal immediately recognized me and exclaimed, 'you're the new student, right? Let me see... you took admission in year twelve. Here's your schedule,' not a bit flustered by my mistake.

As soon as I received my schedule, the Principal added, 'you should be acquainted with the school. Let me call someone from the Student Body so that it might be easier for you.'

He soon summoned a student, and ordered him to accustom me to the school. The guy threw me a glance and smiled, to which I just nodded. He quickly fixed his gaze on the Principal again.

The Principal said, 'show him around the school. And take care of the fact that he doesn't experience difficulty in this school.'

The guy nodded with his head low, and replied, 'yes, Sir.'

We left the room and he showed me around the school.

He tried so hard to spark a conversation, but it would immediately die down, because of my curt replies. He was just being nice, and it was just a formality, so I didn't bother to reply. He finished with the tour just before the second bell rang, signaling the start of the first period.

'Good luck,' he said, with an attempt to make a last conversation, and I just nodded. Poor guy, indeed.

He hurried to his respective class, and I made my way towards Mathematics. Joy.

I entered the class, to which I was thankfully just on time, and the teacher, after spotting my figure, exclaimed, 'class, today a new student will be joining us.' He signaled me to enter, and I stood near him. He asked me to introduce myself and I just said, 'my name is Dan Steven.'

The teacher looked at me with a look that said do-you-want-to-say-anything-else-because-you're-supposed-to, but I just stood silently, looking him in the eye.  The teacher then tore his gaze away from me and ordered me to sit near a brunette. I obeyed and made my way towards her bench. She smiled politely towards me and I just looked at her emotionlessly. Her smile quickly faded, and she avoided my gaze the entire class. Good for her.

Since I joined in the beginning of the term, I did not miss much, and quickly caught up.

The rest of the passed with no difficulty, but one thing, or one person, that bothered me to no end was the annoying girl in my Photography class. She just couldn't stop blabbering even when I looked at her with an expression that said shut-up-my-ears-can-give-up-any-minute-now. I heard none of the things she said, and focused only on the teacher. It was only a one-sided conversation. The rest of the day I just hoped I didn't run into her.

ImpactTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon