For the Good of the Family

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      Hera smiles sadly. She watches her family happily cheer and cry for the end of Gaia. She too was happy ,but she had no right to be happy. She felt it. She felt herself fading. No one would be able to tell though. Unlike most, she'd just go in coma first. Her reason for existing is coming to an end and she could die knowing her family would never hate each other. Hera walks out into the garden and sits down.
     "Shouldn't you be celebrating?" Hestia asks. Hera doesn't turn around. Instead, she clutched her white gloves tighter. Tears fill Hera's eyes. She stands and grabs the clippers. She cuts 13 white roses.
     "No." Hera says pulling the roses together with a piece of red ribbon. Hera clutches onto the bouquet tightly. The thorns cut into her ,but she ignores it.
     "What's wrong?" Hestia asks her eyes wide with panic hearing the pain in her younger sister's voice.
     "Hestia. I just want you to know something." Hera turns around and Hestia gasps seeing Hera crying blood.
     "Oh gods. I better get Apollo." Hestia moves to stand ,but Hera's hand stops her. "Hera your crying blood. I've got to get you help."
     "No. Not yet. Just sit here with me. Like we used to." Hera begs. Hestia hesitates before nodding. She sits down and Hera lays her head into her older sister's lap. Hestia runs her fingers through her sister's hand as Hera sniffles. She clutches onto the roses tightly. "Do you know why I plant the white roses?" Hera asks softly her red tears staining Hestia's dress. "I've lost 13 children." Hestia gasps. "I didn't want to ever tell anyone. Not until they were born. Because my tormentor likes to destroy my happiness. But she did that anyway." Hera feels herself falling asleep. She feels herself falling in coma. "I want you to know. I want you to tell them." Hera says quietly making Hestia strain to hear. "That I love them. No matter what they think. I love them all. Even if they aren't mine." Hera then sits up and grabs her sister's hand in a begging manner. "Promise me you'll tell them? Promise me."
     "I will. But Hera what brought this on?" Hestia asks trying to calm her sister who was looking more and more tired by the second.
     "Nothing to worry about. I need to sleep though." Hera then lays her head back down and let's sleep over take her. Hestia shakes her sister trying to get an actual answer out of her. Nothing.
      "Hera?" Nothing. Hestia begins shaking Hera awake faster. "Hera! Sister?" Nothing. "Apollo!" Hestia stands and takes off inside. She throws open the door silencing the party. "Apollo! It's Hera."
     "Can't the bitch let us celebrate?" Aphrodite says rolling his eyes.
     "She's not waking up!" Hestia cries panicked. Silencing everyone. "Apollo!"
     "I'm coming." Apollo stands his has a serious face on as he runs after Hestia who took off. It was silent. And then 5 minutes later Apollo was bringing in Hera who was clutching onto her white roses tightly. Apollo wipes the table off. Everyone's eyes were wide with horror realizing that she was really bloody. She looked like she was crying blood.
     "Hestia what happened?" Hades asks quietly. Worrying for his younger sister.
      "I don't know! She wasn't at the party so I went looking for her. I found her at the roses. She wouldn't give me a straight answer of why she was upset and when she started crying blood. Oh god it was so much blood. I tried to go get Apollo but she wouldn't let me leave. She just asked me to hold her like we used to." At this point Hestia was just blubbering panicking mess. "She wanted to say that she loved us even though we weren't hers. But she wouldn't say anything else. And then she went to sleep and I was trying to wake her to get a straight answer out of her ,but she wouldn't waken." Hestia was sobbing. Hades hugs his older sister as Apollo works on Hera.
     "She's in coma." Apollo says hooking her up to a machine that'll feed her ambrosia. "We aren't supposed to be in coma."
      "All except Hera." A voice says softly. There standing there was Chaos. Who was staring sadly at her favorite.
     "Hera isn't exactly like you guys. She was never like you guys. Her goddess side was always at war with her human. Her human wouldn't let go. Eventually, they agreed. But it's why she hadn't faded right away." Everyone's eyes widen. "Her human part wanted someone to fight for her to live. To give her a reason to continue."
     "Oh so she wants someone to give her a legit truthful reason to stay? Please. No I think she just doesn't want to die." Choas's face hardens as she glares at Annabeth.
     "Careful what you say dcwaughter of Athena. Hera is the most selfless person in the entire universe and has done more than your puny mind would realize."
      "We are talking about the same Hera right? The one who set her pet after my mother." Aretemis says raising an eyebrow.
      "The one who separated Jason and Percy." Thalia points out. Before another person could open their mouth Chaos glares.
      "Such biased views. Daughter of Zeus you should close your mouth right now. Hera has done more for you and your brother than Zeus has ever done for you." Thalia's eyes narrow.
     "Yeah right."
     "Did you really think you would've lasted as long as you had without help?" Chaos asks. "Don't you ever notice the pull pulling you towards someone you care deeply and truly for. The boy that makes your heart flutter and butterflies to appear."
     "That's my Hunter." Artemis hisses.
     "Shut it." Chaos says waving Artemis off. Thalia glares.
      "So what? I wouldn't go against Aretmis." Thalia hisses defiantly. Chaos just smirks.
     "That's the thing. That pull you feel? It would give you everything you wanted." Thalia's eyes narrow.
     "Excuse me?"
     "You want a husband who isn't like your father. You want many children and grandchildren. You want to watch them grow up. Most of all you want to feel loved and cared for by your husband." Thalia tenses ,but doesn't deny it. Artemis stares at her lutinent in shock. "That pull would lead you towards that. That is because of Hera. Because believes it or not Hera never hated her husband's children." Everyone shorts in disbelief. Chaos stands tall before waving her hands a leather bound notebook appearing. "I swear on my brother Void and my powers that what this book says is the truth." Chaos hands it to Zeus. "Read that. It shall reveal the truth. Until then," Chaos turns towards the girl who she viewed as a daughter. "I'm going to take Hera. She needs proper care nothing you Olympians could give." Chaos picks up Hera before disappearing. Everyone stares at the book before they start to get comfortable. Thalia ,Percy ,Jason ,Annabeth ,and Grover were in a group and the Olympians were in their seats.
     "We can't ignore a direct order from Chaos. So, who wants to read?" Athena asks.
     "I will." Thalia offers. "I want to see just what Hera has done for me."

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