Castiel {4}

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You walked out and saw Cas sitting out on the ground with his legs pulled up to his chest and his hands over his face. You went and sat down next to him and he didn't move.
"What's wrong, Cas"You asked and he looked up at you
"Heaven kicked me out and there's a war going on"He explained and sounded angry
"I don't know what to say"You said looking away
"Oh thank you you sound like everyone else"He said sarcastically making you look at him shocked
"Cas I don't know what to do to help if I could do something anything I would"You said and he stood and disappeared and you got in your car and drove to a crossroad.
"Hello love"Crowley said when you summoned a demon and he was in a devils trap
"Put Cas back in heaven"You demanded
"Can't do that Love I control Hell not heaven"He said and broke the devils trap and left and you sat in your car and put your head on the steering wheel.
"thank you"Cas said scaring you
"What do you mean I didn't do anything"You said and was surprised by what he did next. He kissed you lightly on the lips and then left and you drove home.

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