Dean {2} p. 2

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Deans' pov~
I don't know what to do
What the hell am I supposed to do
My girlfriend just murdered herself,my brother lied to me, and Crowley is who knows where
I stared down at (Y/n)s' body
She can't be dead she can't
"Cas if you can here me get your ass down here" I prayed in my head
I turned and saw Cas looking at his feet like he was a kid who did something wrong
"Cas"I said and he looked at me
"Dean she isn't gone her wings aren't burnt into the ground"Cas said and he was right
"Well I checked her pulse and nothing"I said
"Check again and again and try anything Dean cause she isn't dead the knife missed anything important"Cas said and I checked her pulse again
I put my hand over her heart
There was a faint beating
I looked at her stomach and chest
They were rising and falling faintly
"Cas what do I do"I asked
"Call Sam or someone I don't know"He said shrugging and looking back down at his feet
"Just work your angel magic or something"I snapped angry that he mentioned Sam
He nodded and put two of his fingers on her forehead
Her eyes shot open revealing her (E/C) eyes
I pulled her into a hug and looked up at where Cas was
He already left

Your pov~
Dean hugged me and I looked around
Something in me felt different
Oh my god Cas took my grace
I'm a normal human
I can't tell Dean
Cas is his best friend and Sam probably already pissed Dean off
I guess I have to put the training Dean gave me on being a hunter to use
I have to tell Dean though
"Dean"I said and he broke up the hug
"Yeah"He asked
"My...My grace is gone"I said with tears falling down my face
He hugged me again and I cried into his chest
"Don't worry you're a hunter now"He said smiling a little
I smiled back at him and we left the abandoned bunker

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