Additional Chapter: Jessica & Jack

Start from the beginning

"Now we need to find a way out, since they probably won't open the door for the rest couple of hours" he spoke in a whisper.

"The first thing I'm gonna do when I get out is-"

"let me guess, you'll kill Avery" he abruptly interrupted her.

Jessica gave him a funny look then spoke again. "No I'll firstly go pee, then I'll kill her" she explained with a shrug.

After a few seconds of staring at her like she had grown a second head, Jack couldn't hold it anymore and burst out laughing and he was laughing hard as he rolled on the ground holding his aching sides. Jessica simply smiled at him mockingly and kept looking around for a way out.

When Jack recovered from his close to choking experience from too much laughter, he got close to the window and opened it, letting fresh air to enter the small room that could barely fit ten students in it. The school probably used it as a storage room for any sort of equipment, students would use for sports or festivals.

"You know, I could go out of the window" as soon as the words left his mouth, she turned around with a terrified look on her face. Jessica swiftly strolled towards him and stood beside him protectively.

"I'm not letting you do that, we're on the second floor, you might break something while landing or even worse you could die" she exclaimed with a high pitched voice. Panic was written all over her face and Jack could see that so he gave her a reassuring smile. "I can do it", he concluded with a confident smile.

"Maybe you can" a sigh escaped her lips and Jack took that as an approval and hopped on the window's solid base. Before he could make a jump for it, she firmly grabbed his arm and pulled him back down on the floor.

"Maybe you can" she repeated again, "but I'm not risking it, and neither should you". Jack simply stared at her with his big brown eyes melting in her blue ones. "Are you worried about me?" he asked expectantly. How he hoped that she was worried about him, he would love the idea of her getting overprotective for him and his safety.

"Yes" the firm tone on her voice made him smile widely. "But I'm also worried that you might stain the garden with your blood, that wouldn't be a nice sight" she exclaimed with a mocking smirk making him frown. "I was just kidding, chill" she quickly spoke when she noticed his facial expression changing.

"How about we try to get to know each other while we are here?" hope was luring in his voice but she seemed unable to get the hint. 'She's too naive' he thought and smiled warmly down at her. He was at least a head taller and his physical appearance made her look like she was a dwarf in front of him.

That's one of the many things he adored about her though, her small and fragile figure made him want to hold her endlessly in his arms and hide her beauty away from the world so only he would be able to admire it. Her petite and slender body made him want to protect her more than ever, he just wanted to be something to her, even if it was a bulletproof shield, he would do it.

They both slided on the wall resting there side by side not saying a word.

"Let's play twenty questions" Jessica broke the silence that had engulfed the two of them.

"Sure, I'll start. What's your favourite colour?"

"Any colour you can find in a rainbow" she exclaimed with a small grin. "My turn now, what's your favourite cartoon ever?" she curiously asked him.

"Looney tunes" he said and a small blush covered his cheeks. "But why didn't you ask me about my favourite colour?" a frown appeared on his face resembling that of a cute lost little puppy.

"Because I know your favourite colour is green" she replied with a shrug.

Jack pointed an accusing finger towards her, "You're a stalker" he exclaimed surprisingly cause her to erupt into a fist of giggles.

"No you idiot" she sent a small smile towards his way causing his heart to skip a beat, "I'm just a very observing person, I like observing people" a teasing scowl escaped her lips and he just smiled sheepishly at her.

"Looney tunes huh? I could use this information against you" she placed her hand on her chin in a way that was supposed to show concentration.

"You sure about that?" he asked her while inching closer to her. His voice was supposed to sound like a threat but it sounded more like a tease instead. Jessica got up on her feet as soon as she could and started running away from him while laughing evilly at him.

"oh you're not getting away" he exclaimed with a low growl and darted out at her.

A few minutes later, a table was in between them, preventing him from catching her, and they were both breathing hard as they eyed each other suspiciously. Jack made a move around the table and so did she but she was heading at the opposite direction.

Once again he ran after her and Jessica left the safety of the table and before she could reach another one, he tackled her on the ground. They both landed on a yoga mattress, with him on top of her. Her eyes widened as she kept replaying what happened but in a slower motion.

"How come you are that fast?" she asked with a wondrous look and kept staring at his face that was inches away from hers. The proximity seemed to have effected both of them since they refused to utter a word. His brown eyes were gazing at her beautiful face leaving him breathless for the hundredth time.

Jack was straddling her and they were both too preoccupied staring at each other that they didn't realise that there was no longer any sort of space between them. Before he did anything that she would regret later, Jack leaned down and nuzzled his face on her neck, inhaling the sweet aroma her skin gave away. Even though it was a foreign situation that she was facing, Jessica couldn't help but feel relaxed in his embrace.

After a few more minutes of staying like that Jack softly left the comfort her body gave him but not before trailing a kiss on her bare neck making her shiver at the contact, something that didn't go unnoticed as he sweetly smiled down at her.

Later on they decided to continue their questions and they came closer as they got to know each other better as they found out the common things they shared. They shared the same idealism about what would be considered wrong or right about life.

"Last question" his voice had some hidden emotions in it but Jessica couldn't figure out what he wanted to say, "what's your favourite day of the week?" he asked with a skeptical smile.

"Saturday" she replied casually.

"Good, I'll pick you up this Saturday for our first date" he exclaimed with a big grin while Jessica's lips formed a surprised O.

"But-" before she could argue, he pulled her in his arms and they both sat there in a comfortable silence.

"No buts" he said and his grip protectively tightened around her small waist. Soon both of them drifted away into a peaceful slumber.


Thanks for reading :) have a nice day or night. Ciao!

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