Harley and Joker Poems

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She moved on. And
I feel sorry for you.
because she thought
You were the most amazing boy ever.
If she could have any guy
In the world
She would have picked you.
Now. Your just
Another part of her past.
A memory more faded every day.
And someday. She'll find the one
She deserves. And he will make her
The happiest girl in the world.


I'm only laughing
On the outside my
Smile is skin deep
If you could
See inside I'm
Really crying you
Might join me for a
Weep .


Everybody is special.
Everybody is a
Hero, a lover, a
Fool, a villain.
Everybody has their story to tell.


Looks determine how many are after you.
Charm determine how badly they want you.
Cleverness determines what lengths they will go to have you
And mystery is what makes them stay.


She made broken look beautiful
and strong look invincible.
She walked with the Universe
on her shoulders and made it
look like a pair of wings.


I didn't know a thing about her. I only knew
that when she kissed me, I felt alive again
and my whole world became something
different. It was heaven and hell, brought
together in my head. My own secret world.
And I would burn there.


I may look happy
But honestly dear
The only way I'll
Really smile is if
You cut me ear
To ear


Have you ever loved someone you knew was wrong for you?
Someone who hurt you over and over again and those around you could forgive them because loosing them would hurt even more


I loved her
not for
the way
she danced
with my
but for
the way
The sound
of her name
could silence
my demons.


Love someone...
Not because they give
You what you need!
But because they give
You feelings you never
Thought you needed!

Quotes from D.C. ComicsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant