"Sure." She tighten the gripped on my body and rested her head on my back. It felt surprisingly good. I feel protected when she wrapped her arms around me. I feel........ Appreciated........



Sophia gawking at the site of this enormous complex. Is this a strip club?! It's look bigger than usual club. "Is this where you will show me your true colours and force me to work for you?" Sophia asked a very amused Charlie. "Umm... No. If I do, you'll be my private and only girl. Let's go." Sophia smiled and grabbed Charlie arm and hug it tightly.

This is her first time in a club like this. Hell, it's her first time she ever been into a club. Hard style EDM music playing loudly inside the club as they walked in. Everybody know Charlie. Mostly her regular customer came from a very influential family. Mostly woman. Sophia is witnessing woman dancing, apparently humping a pole and cages everywhere.

The strobe lights is like having effect to her vision because she thought she's looking at a very...... Weird club. Maybe this is a strip club. Half naked women everywhere. Some wearing just panties. Some just lingerie's. Some not even care to wear anything but a very thin string. "Wow. This is something I don't see Everyday." Charlie laughed. "Well. It's a routine for me. Let's meet everyone."

Charlie led Sophia to a bar and she smiled at the person behind the counter. The woman looked ip and her eyes lit up. "MISS CHARLIE!" Charlie smiled. "Can you tell everyone that I'm here and let's meet at the meeting room." "Sure boss." Charlie grabbed Sophia's hand and kiss it. "I'll introduce you to my girls. You can be the second miss in charge." Sophia don't know what to say.

For a single Mother going into clubs like this is weird. "How did you started all this?" Charlie smiled. "I saw a women got beaten by her bouncer when I visited a strip club in Vegas. I bought her and started all this. I thought she will be handling this but then she died. OD on heroin. I'm guessing life was stressing. So after she died, I took over and here we are." Sophia nodded.

Charlie opened a door that leads to a very large room. "This is where the meetings happen. Or for me, where the.... Ummm... Sexual activity happen..." Sophia raised her eyebrows. "That happens a lot in here?" Charlie smiled sheepishly. "Before I met you yes. After I met you, the only sexual activity I did was with myself and.... You." Sophia noticed how blushed Charlie is.

"You had sex with all of this.... Girls?" Charlie noticed Sophia is not happy at all. "Honestly. Yes. But not under 18 Years old that's pedophile." Sophia pulled out a chair and sit. "Are you mad?" Sophia shake her head. "Well. If you serious about us, you need to stop with the flings. Be loyal to me and only me." Sophia said sternly. Charlie knelt and looked into her eyes.

"I will. I promise." She took her hands and kiss it. "I'm sorry." Sophia laughed filled the room. "Charlie I'm kidding. But I'm serious about be loyal okay?" Charlie smiled and nodded. The doors opened and several girls entered. Series of 'awww' coming out from their luscious mouth. "Hey boss. This is serious huh? No sharing" Charlie stand as stand behind Sophia.

"No. No sharing. She's mine and mine alone." They all laughed. "Good for you boss." Charlie smiled and let the girls sit. Later, another group of girls entered. They all looked at Sophia's direction and wonder who she is. Sophia felt all eyes no her. With Charlie behind her, not making anything easier. "Settle down...." The girls focus on their boss.

"Everyone must be wondering why we're all here all of the sudden right?" Series of low yes followed. "I would like introduce to all of you this lady. Sophia Clarke." They all waved and smiled. "She maybe will be your second Miss/Boss. Well if she said yes when I asked her to be Mrs. Avilia." The girls chuckled. The comment made Sophia blushed hard.

Book 4 - I Don't Deserved To Be Love (Completed) (GirlxGirl) (Futanari)Where stories live. Discover now