8. My Reaction was the Same

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I swallowed nervously as I dialed my boss' number. The phone rang four short times before he picked up and I very nearly dropped my phone.

"Bob Furier, how can I help you?" he said crisply.

"Bob," I squeaked, and then cleared my throat. "Hi."

"Hello, Amethyst."

"I was wondering if I could have tomorrow night off."


"I, uh...I got invited to a charity ball. Um." I shook my head. "Personal commitments, sir."

"Sure, sure, go ahead. You work way too much - I look forward to you asking for days off. And by the way, I need you to come by my office tomorrow morning. There is some stuff I have to discuss with you."

"Yes, sir."

"If I may ask, off the record, who is the lucky guy?"

"Onyx Piers."

I heard Bob suck in a sharp breath. "Whoa. That's one good catch. This one had better not turn out like the good-for-nothing cheat that your ex-fiance was."

"I hope so too," I said, sighing heavily. "Anyway, thanks, Bob. Good night."

"Good night, Amethyst."

Sighing, I stretched myself out on my bed and closed my eyes. Today was one of the rare nights where I wasn't worrying about anything. Even Champagne was minding her own business, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

The ringing of the phone shattered the calm aura. I groaned as I checked the caller ID and then groaned again when I saw that it was Jade. I cursed her to Hell and back as I took the call. "What?" I snapped.

"I changed my mind."

"You want to throw Mason off a cliff instead of marrying him?" I asked hopefully.

"Shut up. I decided that I want Nathaniel Greer to make the wedding cake."

I blinked. "Nathaniel Greer? Who's that?" I asked.

"Gosh, you are so dumb. He's a celebrity chef, he's known for creating masterpieces. I want a giant cake - fifteen tiers, decorated in silver foil and fresh flowers."

I very nearly dropped my phone. "Fifteen tiers? Are you going to eat cake leftovers till Thanksgiving?"

"Don't get fresh with me. Get Greer."

"Jade, if he's a celebrity chef, he probably needs to be booked months in advance. I don't think he'll be available."

"Yeah, but you don't know for sure. I want a Greer cake, you hear me?"

"Aren't you listening? What if he's booked? I work the hotel circuit, so you probably should listen to me."

"Not a chance in Hell. I don't care how you do it, but you have to get Greer. Or you'll be sorry." And then she hung up.

"Aaaaaargh!" I growled, throwing my phone onto the bed. "What have I ever done to deserve this?"

Champagne barked loudly from the floor, giving me an answer in her own doggy language. I let out a tired sigh and gazed lovingly at her. "I don't care," I said firmly. "I have you, don't I, girl? Come here, Champagne."

With another happy bark, Champagne leaped onto the bed and pounced on me, knocking me backwards. I laughed as she licked me all over my face, and I had to wrestle with her to keep her from licking my eyes or my mouth. Finally, she gave up and sat down on top of me, precariously balanced but serene and happy while I got completely squashed. Tucking her head under my chin, she proceeded to fall asleep, leaving me extremely uncomfortable.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2016 ⏰

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