Part 8

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It had been a week since Michael asked me out and we were going on our first date, it wasn't what normal people might refer to as a date but Michael and I hang out almost every day after school and as much fun as we do have well I miss seeing other people outside of school too. Especially one person, as you probably guessed it's also been a week since I last saw Nate, and even though I had convinced Emma I had chosen a guy it didn't mean she actually believed me; it just meant she had to go home. 

"Brynne are you going to pass the ball or are you just going to stand there with the damn thing?" I hear Fatso (Who's actually the smallest one of Mike's soccer team) call over.

"At least, I can pass the ball without 'accidentally' hitting my teammate in the nose!" Everyone laughs, you see Fatso is known for making a lot of idiotic mistakes on and off the field especially when it comes to girls. I pass the ball down the field to Evan who is so obviously distracted by his girlfriend on the bleachers.

"Nice eye B!" I hear Mike shout from across the field as he runs over to me. "Nice ass too." He whispers as he hits my left butt cheek kinda hard. I blush when I see Jace and Garrett looking right at my ass and run towards the ball, but as I was running I heard Evan talk.

"Bitch." He says smiling

"Fuck Ass," I answer only offering up a half smile.

"Nice one Clark!" He responds referring to my comeback then runs away.

I hear clapping coming from the bleachers followed by simultaneous yelling. "You go, Brynne! Get those guys." I shake my head in embarrassment, not for me but for them because well this isn't really a go get em sport. 

I decide to run over to the girls and let the guys play without worrying how Michael will react if any of them hurt me or look me over in any way. "Hey! Brynne right?" I nod my head and wave.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I'm having a brain fart. Your name is..." I trail off giving her a chance to answer

"I'm Evangeline and this is Sapphira," She says motioning to her left at a blonde girl with blue eyes that looks a scary amount like her, "and Rosaline." She finishes her sentence looking over to her right at a girl with blue eyes and dark brown hair. "Saph is my twin," she says probably noticing my confused expression. "Anyways, we're all going out after this for a cup of coffee. You're invited if you wanted to come." 

"That would be nice thank you." With that, I head back to the field to finish the game.

"So Michael, I'm going out with Rosaline, Sapphira and Evangeline now. I would invite you but I don't want to seem like the couple that can't be away from each other for more than a few seconds..."

"Well, we do seem like that couple. Sometimes I ask myself if we are a dI always come to the same conclusion, we are and I love it!" With that, he swings me over his shoulders and carries me over to the group of girls waiting for me by the bleachers. "Please take care of my girl for me, I expect her back in good conditions..." He says it in a joking tone that causes the girls to all flirtatiously smile wave or twirl their hair, which I migh have gotten jelous over if Mike hadn't just called me 'his girl' which I had to admit was giving me plenty of butterflies. 

After a couple more minutes of one sided flirtatios conversation with my boyfriend Mike finally said he should get going and we left shortly after that. "God Brynne Michael is just so... well HOT!" She laughs after she says this as if that's going to make what she just said any less awkward.

"Well yeah I guess he is but the thing is if I hadn't known him since we were little I wouldv'e thought he was a complete jerk and probably would have never started to talk to him." They all give me that same surprised look as they let the information I had just given them sink in.

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