Part 7

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When I finally got home after practice it was 7:30 but to be fair practice had finished at 5:30 and I had stayed there for an extra hour with Michael before actually starting to drive home and it was an hour drive. I looked over at my clock and saw that I only had 10 minutes left to shower and do my makeup because Emily, Fatima and Danie would be over by then. 

Nine minutes later I was out of the shower, thank god I had shaved last night, and halfway done my makeup and I had texted in the group chat for them to just come right up when they got to my house. "Hey, Brynne we're here where are you?" Fatima yelled from the other room

"Walk through the closet and washroom I'm on my makeup table!" I yell back at them "Oh and while you're in my closet can you bring my the outfit that I laid out on the chair in there please?" 

"Wow, Bry Michael's going to melt when he see's you in this!" Danie exclaimed

"Only reason why I bought it," I say with a huge grin on my face but I'm not kidding as they come into my room bringing the outfit into view I had no doubt in my mind that the burgundy shirt that had a layer of fabric that was tight against my skin and a layer of mesh on top that flowed around the bottom layer short in the front and longer in the back with the white crop top and Burgundy high heels I paired it with, would completely blow his mind.

"Did you get your nails done?" Danie asks concerned, she's like the fashion guru of the group and if my nails didn't match my outfit she would probably cry.

"Yes, ma'am I went to get the done last night! I got all of the white and one burgundy it goes really nice with the outfit, don't worry." Danie starts blow-drying my hair because she's the only one I will let touch my hair in this group mostly because every day her hair looks like sh spent hours on it and then you watch her style it in 10 minutes I mean it's insane. "Hey girls, would you mind spiking the punch and taking the allowed drinks out from behind the bar downstairs?" They nod their heads and head on their way.

"So how long have you liked Michael?" Danie asks now that she is halfway done blow-drying my hair and knows I won't be going anywhere anytime soon.

"Well for 9 years I guess, we met in SR kinder and I moved in gr.3 and I started liking him somewhere between those two I guess. Then when I saw him again the feeling started back up again and I haven't stopped liking him since. Well obviously." I respond to her question and we start talking about her boyfriend, Greyson who will be attending tonight. I've talked to him a lot when Danie drags both of us shopping with her so we can keep each other company and won't bug her constantly. He's a very nice person even though he comes off more than guarded at first and the moment he opens up to you personal facts about him just start flowing out of his mouth and he doesn't stop until someone he doesn't trust walks close to him which happen a lot in a mall so as you can imagine it takes a very long time for him to finish telling you one story let alone the one about his life. 

When Danie was done she lets me look in the mirror and well my hair looks amazing! It's going to look wonderful with the outfit. I put the skirt and shirt on then start walking downstairs to finish up party proofing the house and start playing the music when I see that Nathans standing in the middle of my back foyer with a flower in his hand. As I walk over to him I'm a little scared the flower is for someone else. I know I shouldn't be, I'm with Mike and all but I can't help myself.

"Hey." He says smiling so slightly I'm not sure it even qualifies.

"Hey," I respond matching his face almost perfectly.

"So I swung by to give you this," he says as he hands over the flowers "and this..." He trails off and takes a deep breath before continuing. "Brynne you make me more nervous than I am when I'm chasing down and armed robber and you make me feel like I'm floating in the clouds more than winning soccer matches used to. You make me want to give you the world and more, you're dangerous to everything that I am and you don't even realise it. The other day after you told me what you did, I went to the gym we have down at the station and did way more than I should've and hurt a lot more than just my heart. I know you need time to decide and I'll give it to you, hell it's not like there's anyone else for me to give it to. Just promise me you'll give me a fighting chance because I will fight for you Brynne trust me when I say that." He stops there and I have no idea what to say. Correction, I do know what I want to say but my brain doesn't remember how to make words. So I just stand there motionless as he kisses me on my forehead puts the flower in my hand and walks away.

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