Part 5

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The next morning I wake up at 7:49 to a beautiful sunlight room, guess I forgot to close my blinds last night and because of it now the early morning sun is blinding me. I'm sitting in bed thinking about what a horrible mistake I made when I suddenly realize it's Sunday and Lacy is going to be by to pick me up in seven minutes; I quickly hop out of bed and race through my washroom and into the church section of my closet where I pick out a light pink lace knee length dress that is covered in lace and match it with white flats I mean I'm going to church not a beauty pageant I only have 3 minutes and I use those to brush my teeth and put some perfume on then, grabbing my to go makeup bag I run downstairs just as Lacy pulls up with Emma in the back seat. I had met Emma while we were living in New York for the first time before moving to the house where I met Michael. I run out to the car and hop in they're singing to Disney songs and I join in, the whole way there singing everything from 'When you wish upon a star' to 'I won't say I'm in love' by the time we got to the church we were yelling more than actually singing. 

When we pull into the parking lot we're greeted by Cole and Shaun, Emma and Lacy's boyfriend they both open the doors for their corresponding girlfriends and have a mini makeout session right in front of me, well at least now I know what it's like to be the spare wheel in the trunk of the car. I walk away towards the little BBQ the church has before every service (I know I was surprised too) when I get there I ask the boy behind the barbecue for a hamburger, I can't quite see his face because of the lid but he has blonde hair when he hand me the plate with the hamburger I see the same scar I noticed on Nate's hand when I handed him my licence and registration so I take the risk.

"Nate, is that you?" I see the lid go down and Nates hot as hell face peak out from behind it.

"Brynne? Didn't think I'd see you until Friday and can I just say how happy I am that I didn't have to wait that long." He smirks and I blush. I don't know what he or Michael do to me that causes to me to be all awkward around them but I really do hate it. I broke another rule, that's why I'm bringing his up now; rule number 7- never be the first to say hi.

"Yeah, um I know me neither. I didn't know you went to this church, I haven't seen you in the two other times I've been here." He raises his eyebrows as if surprised that I haven't seen him.

"I never miss a service, I guess I was never worth your time until our little make-out session?" I'm positive my face turns red as a tomato because if I'm being perfectly honest I never really notice people until I make out with them or I guess in this case until they pull me over.

"Guess I just thought you were too hot for me," I laugh at this letting him know it was sarcasm, then run back to Lucy and Emma.

"Hey, where are the guys?" I ask when I get close enough that I don't have to yell over to them.

"They went to go get hamburgers..." Lacy responds and we start talking about Michael and how big of a coincidence it is that I live one block away from him. Then I see Shaun creeping up behind Lacy and he motions for me to be quiet. I know she isn't going to respond well to this because she get's scared over the smallest things but I don't have enough time to tell her and when Shaun wraps his arms around her she jumps up and hits Shaun's chin with the top of her head. Emma, Cole and I start laughing our asses off and as mean as that sounds real friends will help you up after they finish laughing and boy were we laughing not really at the fact that Shaun got hit but at the face he was making trying to hold in the pain and not let Lacy know that she had hurt him. We still hadn't fully composed ourselves 20 seconds later when the church bells rang signaling the beginning of the mass so we walked towards the church laughing and stopped just outside taking and extra second to make sure we didn't start another little laughing fit when we were inside the church.

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