I just stayed silent, unable to say anything to defend myself. Sydney could provoke anyone, but at the same time she could defend herself so viciously, that there was no point arguing with her - she would win anyway.

I kept on rejecting the glasses since that day, but once, they caught me off guard. That's where it all stared...

It's raining outside, the rain hitting on the roof. The thunder and lightning are fighting in the night sky, like two brave armies. We are sitting alone in an abandoned building, not far from where I live. In the middle, there is an empty beer bottle pointing at me.

''So, Aline,'' Marcus smirks, while rubbing his long fingers together. He is sitting right opposite me, so I have to make eye contact with him. I can't hide.

He is the most intimidating one of our group. Sydney calls him the leader and he obviously loves it. He loves manipulating people, making them do whatever he wants. This is what's going to happen with me in the next few minutes.

I regret playing Truth or Dare with them, knowing of what they are capable of doing. They are capable of doing horrible things to people and actually having fun. I never understood them. I genuinely hope I never will.

''Yeah?'' I answer, trying to sound tough, but the high-pitched and very quiet voice, that escapes my mouth suggests of the opposite.

An awkward silence cuts through the air, piercing my ears. I hate it, as much as I love it. It might be comforting, but scary at the same time. I am scared of not-knowing. Not-knowing what's going to happen next, not-knowing what's happening right now.

''You have to,'' he says it slowly, building up the pressure in the room, ''drink a cup of alcohol, that we will give you.''


I was expecting everything, but not this. He knows I don't drink, so he makes me do it. Anything else, but this.

''I am not doing this!'' I half-shout, nearly standing up from the cold, concrete floor.

''If not,'' Chris is also standing up, ''I force it down your throat and stick a cigarette in your mouth.''

What are the odds of him doing this? Will he actually do this?

I am standing up, defiantly looking at Marcus. He is smirking. He knows that I won't do it. I will never do something, if I am forced to do it. Never.

''You can't do that,'' I say, plainly. This sounds half as bad, as it did in my head. Why do things sound worser, when you say them?

I feel like a mouse, forced to get into a trap. If I don't do it, it won't end well, but it won't end well if I do it anyway.

''Oh yes, we can.''

Marcus stands up, grabbing me by my wrists. He clenches his hands around this tiny place, where it hurts the most. I glare at him, shocked. Something clicks in my brain and I scream. The pain becomes unbearable, as I try to break free.

''Fine!'' I shout. ''I will do it.''

Marcus releases my wrists. They give me a glass full of an unknown liquid. I am pretty sure that it won't feel like something good.

''Give me a cigarette,'' I mumble, while looking at my cup.

A tiny smile appears on Lynn's face, as she lights me a cigarette and gives it to me. I inhale the smoke, regretting this evening. Regretting all of this. My head goes dizzy and my vision becomes blurry. I take a step back and stumble.

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