Chapter 5- At Least I'm Not Losing My Mind. Yet.

Start from the beginning

As he raised me so his arms were above his head, I waited until the right time and suddenly bent my right knee. Hitting him straight in the chin and his head was thrown backwards, his hands letting go of my waist as he fell into the wall again.

Looking around for something to use as a weapon, I was drawing blanks. There was nothing. Until I looked down the hall way.

Flowers In A Vase.


I ran straight for it and picked it up off the little table it was sat on, taking my opponent's dazed moment and the fact he was looking at the floor, I hurried back to him and smashed the vase right on the back of his head.

He fell forward and I stumbled back, putting a hand to my mouth and wiping away the small amount of blood produced. I took a breath and leant forward on my knees, breathing heavily.

Suddenly, something grabbed at my ankle and I was pulled to the floor. My head hit it as I was and I groaned, opening my eyes to see my attacker perched over me with something in his hand.

Not A Knife. Too Thin. Something Sharp Looking Though.

My eyes widened as they started to become focused again and I realised what he was holding so close to my face.


I started to squirm and tried to claw my way out of his hold but with me not being on my feet, I had no upper hand. He held all the strength and I couldn't use his weakness against him.


As he held my wriggling arms and legs down all at once, how he did it I'll never know, he brought the syringe closer and closer to my neck. I tried, in vain, to pull my neck away from the pointed end and grimaced as it penetrated my skin.

There was nothing I could do now and he injected whatever was in the syringe into my system, I could feel it and I just knew it wasn't good.

What if it would kill me? Slowly and painfully? Or maybe just within the next minute? I was hoping it would just knock me out.

But I doubted that's all it would do.

As soon as he was sure the job was done, he stood and spat blood out from the side of his mouth. I turned my nose up as it landed next to me and started to blink furiously as, again, my vision began to blur.

"Pretty handsy for a little thing." The man standing over me commented.

I narrowed my eyes in an effort to look at him but just dropped my head back onto the floor, "What did you do to me?" I tried to shout and sound threatening but to no avail.

Instead of him answering though, a laughter that I knew all to well resounded through the house, followed by, "Wouldn't you like to know."

Irene Adler.

"Tell me." I tried to demand but it came out as more of a sniffle and a stutter.

She crouched down to my level and put a hand to my cheek, "Ssh, just close your eyes."

"What are you-" I started only to get stopped by her putting a finger to my lips and then brushing my hair back off my forehead.

"Ssh." She said again but her voice sounded different, sort of warped and fuzzed out a bit, I could barely hear what she said next but it sounded like, "You're going to suffer."

What the hell did she mean by that?

Irene started to completely blur and I could barely even make out an outline of her face, she must have still been speaking to me but all it sounded like was muffled noise.

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