10 More Facts About Me As A Writer

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1) Never again will I ever write a sequel that I didn't initially plan to write.

2) I tend to finish the last chapter of a book before the book is even remotely finished.

3) I am forever coming up with ideas for stories.

4) I write regularly but not all on one book or chapter.

5) Most books I plan to write are still all inside my head, from scenes to plot twist and everything.

6) I don't like having too many characters with the same name.

7) Most of my characters have no last name.

8) I try not to have books with similar plots and storylines.

9) When I'm writing, I tend to try and make the characters seem different from characters in my other books.

10) Most of the time I base the main character off one of my alter egos or personalities.

Bonus fact

11) The closer I get to finishing a book the harder it is for me to write on it.

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