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I'm trying to complete The Secret and Purdy's Slave along with a chapter of Vampire World; Dream Came to Life, Turning Point (new coming book), and The Teachers Little Tease (another future book) before uploading so that it may be a while. 1, because I have some pretty long and essential detailed chapters in two of the books (VW and DCTL). 2, I need to work out some kinks (TS). 3, I'm working on ideas, scenes, or ways to start something (TTLT, TP, and PS). 4, new phone so I don't have the contact I need to get some info I need, and 5, when I say I'm writing; I am and can be for the whole day, but all of it is not on just one book. In other words, I work on a book until I run out of the idea I had. I hope that made sense.

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