Texts That Will Be In DCTL?

28 2 0

1~ Do you like me?

2~ No.


2~ You never asked if I love you.

1~ Do you love me?

2~ No.


1~ You remember when I killed a butterfly, and you said no butter for a week?

2~ Yes

1~ And when I killed a honey bee you said no honey for a week?

2~ Um...yes?

1~ Well {insert name} just killed a cockroach should I break the news to her?

2~ ....


1~ Starring contest?

2~ Ok.

1~ Go.......O.O

2~ -.-

1~ I win!

2~ I'm Asian you racist fuck.


1~ Say everything I say backward go...123.

2~ 321.

1~ Ready set go.

2~ Go set ready.

1~ Crack my finger.

2~ Finger my... fuck you.


1~ Wanna hear a joke?

2~ Sure.

1~ Pussy.

2~ I don't get it.

1~ I'm glad you finally admitted it.

2~ Fuck you.


1~ Man I wasn't that drunk.

2~ Dude, you gave a mushroom to a dwarf and kept saying grow Mario grow.


1~ I love you more than I can ever scream.

2~ Every day I'm shuffling.

1~ Let's try this again... You got me bewitched.

2~ Cause I'm sexy and I know it.


1~Dude I wasn't that drunk.

2~ I found you in my closet screaming 'the passage to Narnia has been sealed.'


1~ Ha, my girlfriend just told me you still wear Spider-Man underwear.

2~ How do you think she knows?

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