Help me

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~ I'm in class so it might be short~

🌚 2 in the morning🌚
Prince: Why everybody going to sleep though
Star&Beauty:(laying on each other sleep)
(Aysiah&Ray sleep next to each other)
Babydoll&Andrew:(got the guest room like usual) 😉
-So that leaves You,Abby,Prince, and Roc up-

Abby: sooooooooo
Roc: Bruuuhhhhhh
YN: Fun fact ~ Roc got warts on his balls from a girl named Destiny he fucked while I was in a coma
Prince: Woooaaaahhhhhh
Roc: Bruh no I didn't
Abby: I don't know it sounds real to me
YN: Roc wtf is up with you and that basic ass one hunnit emoji 💯
Roc: Im one hunna
YN: no you a dumb mutha-
Prince: Nigga you fucked while she was out cold
Roc: N-
YN: (gives him a look)
Roc: uhhhhh
YN: 😒 waiting
Roc: Huuuhhhhh *yawns* I'm sleepy night
Abby: Really..... I gotta pee (goes to the bathroom)
Prince:(sits next to you and puts his arm around you)
Prince: You know you should (scoots closer)
YN: Uhhhh Niiggggaaaaaaa
Prince: Help me out a little
YN: WHAT?!?!?
Prince:(whispering) I'm talking about with Abby
YN: Ohhhhhh I was like bitch what?
Prince: Could you help me get my wife back
YN: wife? nigga I don't work for free (holds out hand)
Prince: (stale faces) you serious
YN: Nigga pay up
Prince: uggghhhh *hands you a 100*
YN: Damn I was talking about a 20 but this will do (Puts it in your pocket )

{ You and prince start laughing (you guys forgot his arm was over your shoulder and you were sitting close together) and Abby walks out and look at you guys}

Abby: Ummmmmmm really

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