Call'em up

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Prod: YN.
YN: Yes?
Prod: I know you're with Roc and I'm sorry for kissing you
YN: *smiles and laughs* Prod its okay, I'm serious I kissed back so .we kissed each other
(Nurse comes in with a girl your age)
Nurse G: Hey YN this is my daughter
Prod: *gives a look* What's her name
The Girl: Destiny *winks*
YN: [Chokes on your juice]
Nurse G: (Starts rubbing and patting your back) Are you ok
YN:*Gives Destiny a look* Sure (balls up a fist and starts to get up)
Prod: Destiny do you have on perfume?
Destiny: Why yes Prodigy I do *winks*
Prod: Well you should get out because that smell is really strong and its making YN choke
YN: No she can stay(gives a devilish smile)
Nurse G: YN I'm gonna get you some water Destiny stay here for a minute ill be back in 20 minutes
Destiny: Kae
(Nurse G leaves and Destiny smiles at Prodigy)
YN: Hello you stupid little bitch
Destiny: Oh hey YN
YN: (you rip out your heart monitor, breathing machine and stuff like that) so you wanna Fuck with my boy?
Destiny : Last time I th- (you punch her in the mouth)
YN: What? I didn't hear you over the blood
Destiny: (starts crying and clips you)
YN:( you fall and Kick her in her hip and punch her in the face repeatedly)
Prod: YN (he grabs you up and put you on the bed) You woke up like 3 days ago stop!
Destiny: Bitch you got it coming (sits down)
YN: (Picks up your oxygen tank)
YN: Let that hoe threaten me and her life cut off
Destiny: I got Niggas that'll get yo ass
YN: Call them right now
(Destiny calls them)
Destiny: They'll be here in 5 minutes (smiles)
Prod: Uhhhh YN *Gives a nervous look*
-5 minutes pass and some boys appear in your door-
YN: Oh hey
???: Destiny her?
Destiny: Yes
(they surround you)
??1: YN I live your music and you bad as hell
??2: thank you for hitting that bitch she needed it and man you bad as fuck
??3: We not gone touch you, you safe , this bitch owe me money or a dick suck
Prod: Uhhhhhhh....... Why y'all got mask
??2: WHO YOU?*points a gun*
(you grab onto Prod tight)
YN: he's Prodigy from Mindless behavior he's with me
??3: Nigga you dumb
YN: How did you get that through security
??2: The man is my dad
Destiny: What happened to beating her ass
??2: We should beat yo ugly ass
(nurse G comes in)
Nurse G: DESTINY what happened and What the hell are y'all doing here
??1: Destiny called us
Nurse G: Raphael, Tom, Marcus get y'all asses out
YN: wait would you guys like an autograph and a picture
Marcus: YE- I mean yeah sure whatever
Nurse G: YN why is your stuff like that
YN: oh, I beat your daughters ass
Nurse G: WHAT?!
YN; I, YFN(Your full name), Beat your daughters ass
Nurse G: What she do now
YN: Talked shit, Fucked my boyfriend, and tried to fuck with my best friend then she tried to get her goons to fuck me up but what yo ugly ass daughter failed to know I'm a MMA fighter, I'm famous and that I got a whole team that will fuck her up your daughter wants to fuck with me? I got her just know of she ever threaten me again I'm at yo ugly ass duckling neck
Nurse G: Why yo dumbass always acting like a fucking groupie
Destiny: Ma n-no I d-
Nurse G: Shut yo fast ass up, always trying to fuck with the tough ones , you going to Military camp
(you finish taking pictures and autographing the boys stuff and they leave)
Nurse G: I'm sorry YN for what you've gone through
YN: I know people like you, you fake as hell I know damn well you buy your daughter protection and I know damn well you just say shit in front of people that's not shit NURSE G tell the hospital I said this shit, Think I give a fuck? Get yo ugly ass daughter out my damn hospital room, Petty ass parent, you be telling yo daughter to fuck with famous people Roc didn't fucking up and buy to daughter shit she had to seduce him your cheap ass you really think I'm fucking stupid You want your daughter to be a ducking groupie because you or pregnant with her at a young age Get me another nurse yo petty ass and yo duck faced ass daughter just pissed me off FOH.
Nurse G: You will have a law suit against you
YN: I've done this before, I won the money and got more try me
Nurse G: (Rolls her eyes and her and Destiny leave)
Prod: (looks at you)
YN: What prod?
Prod: Nothing.
(YM,Roc,and YD rush in your hospital room)
YM: YN again
Roc: You knocked her teeth out
YD: BABY (hugs you)
YN: I hurt a girl
YD: I heard
YM: Nigga stop babying her
YD: Oh ok well den
Roc: YN why you do that?
YN:*Shrugs* I got us out of our law suit again
YM: How?
YN: I'm very intimidating
Roc: Clearly
(Prod sits there quiet)
YM: something wrong Prod
Prod: N-No
•Prods POV: I almost got shot😳 I....... I don't know YN starting to scare me
YN: Prod are you sure you're okay?
Prod: Yeah I'm cool
Roc: YN get her out my hit
YN:(Smirks) Kae.

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