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<<I am falling off a building, when I'm about to hit the ground, I close my eyes and when I open my eyes, I'm lying on the bright white snow of a forest,I stand up and I see that my hand is covered by golden blood, there where I put my hand to protect me from the impact of the fall. It starts to fall silver feathers from the sky. A boy whith silver wings appears from among the trees and he's flying in my direction. When he's already standing on the white snow in front of me, he pressed me against him and he covers me with his arms and silver wings and he starts to fly. On the horizon extends the forest and I could see a lake of crystalline waters.
I look at him, he's beautiful, black hair, emerald eyes, bright golden skin, defined features and pronounced cheekbones, one of the most beautiful things I have never seen. When I am in his arms, I feel like I'm in home and I belong to be there, embraced by his arms. We pass over the mountains, there the forest is on fire, suddenly an arrow cuts the sky and flies lethaly in the angel's heart direction. I can hear the arrow breaking the boy's golden bones. I feel how all the boy's muscles tense on his last moments of life. He breathes a last time and he says my name.
- Tessa...- The melodious beats full of life of the angel that I was feeling all the time against my chest stop sounding. I shout. A second later I am falling again. All seems to pass at slow motion. I close my eyes lots of images pass trough my eyelids: the angel, the lake of crystalline waters that I saw at the horizon, the feathers falling from the sky... .When I hit the ground, I die>>

~ ~ ~

I wake up and breath heavily. All the nights are the same, I fall, I close my eyes, I open my eyes, the forest, the angel, I fall again and I die. All nights live, die, repeat.
I put the blanket aside. I pass my hands trough my silver blond hair and I stand up. The feeling of flying, It's still there, the wind stroking my hair, his arms around me...
I run down stairs and I see that my brother is having lunch. What hour is?So long I slept? I live with two families ,my family, the Hunterangel: my father, my mother and my five brothers:Blake, Jace, the twins, Alec and Emma and the littlest one Elisabeth. And the Lynwood brothers: Camille, Charlotte and Ty, their fathers died on the War of the Sky fighting united to my fathers they say that our breed was close to be eliminated of the map and that the armies of the hell desacrated tombs.
-Good morning Sleeping Beauty! How was the nap of hundreds of years? - says Jace with a lopeside smile.
-Good!- I say with a sarcastic smile.
I run down stairs and I stand next to Jace. I try to hit him on the cheek but he dodges my hand with agility.
-Too slow little sister! - says Jace laughing. I look at him with fury but then I start to laugh. I adore this moments, Jace in front of me laughing very hard, his bright tousled ginger hair moving around his head and his green eyes seems happier than before. I feel very united to my brother.
- Good morning to you too! You're stupid but I love you.
I kiss my brother on the cheek and I sit at the table. Going down stairs I see a coppery long straight hair, Charlotte.
- Another Sleeping Beauty! Welcome to the club! - says Jace laughing.
Charlotte looks with her blue angry eyes at Jace. Charlotte runs down stairs and she stands next to Jace like I did and she hits Jace a strong slap on his cheek.
Charlotte looks to Jace with fury.
- Be careful. - she whispers.
- You two, resemble more than I thought. - says Jace pointing at Charlotte and I.
- Where are Alec, Emma, Ty and Elisabeth? -I ask.
- They are going to the waterfall of the Fallen Angels and mum, dad, Camille and Blake are on The Elevationem, on a meeting, The Brotherhood have found a corpse of a Noctis, Adalyn Jularyan, an Infracto absorbed her soul. - Jace looks very worried.
- That is horrible! But how could an Infracto cross from the woods to the Ithuriel Lands? When paranormal or damonic creatures walk into the Ithuriel Lands the celestial strength field turns them into ashes. It's impossible! - says Charlotte surprised and with her blue eyes wide open.
- Yes sweetie , but someone has canceled the celestial strength field.- says Jace with a dulcet smile.
- But who?- Asks Charlotte.
- No one knows it, even the Brotherhood.
- Wait a minute... Have you let Alec, Emma, Ty and Elisabeth go, with an Infracto walking over there?! - I shout.
- Yes, why not?
- Why not?! Really?!- I shout.
- Really. - says Jace like nothing had happened.
- I will search them. - I say to Jace with a desafiant look- If I don't find them, I promise you that I will never forgive you - I whisper at his ear with a desafiant voice. I take some swords and daggers and I walk toward the door.
- Wait! - shouts Jace. I stop in front of the door. - Sorry... - he says with a note of pain in the voice.
I start to open the door.
- Wait! - shouts Jace again - Remember what Blake says to us 《 fall of the sky, hit the ground, break the terrain around you, breath heavily, give me your hand, stand up...
- And never give up...》- I whisper.
I turn around and I run toward Jace.
I embrace him and he raises me from the floor spining around. When I separate of him I put my hand on his chest where the heart is.
- I will never hate you. I would die just for save your life. You have to know it. - I say with pain in the voice.
I stroke he's cheek sweetly. Jace is in front of me but it looks like he's far away from me and I can't touch him. I turn aroun and I run toward the door.

The Girl On Fire | #Wattys 2016Where stories live. Discover now