Chapter 14

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"Come here." I say to Liam when he's still standing close to my door. He smiles, walks up to me and places the chocolate milk on the little table next to my bed. "You don't know how happy I am about you skipping London. Does that make me a bad person?" He laughs. "No, not at all." "But you have to know I'm a boring person. I was about to watch a movie." "Which one?" "Don't know yet. Do you know something?" "Uhm well, we can watch horror?" "Yea, sure. I'm not scared or anything." "Oh I know you are." "How would you know?" "You texted me earlier. But then you were laying with Louis." "Oh shit." "Do you want to watch it with me? Me and my strong arms?" He laughs. "Uhm okay, but promise me it won't be too scary?" "Sure. Let me put on my pyjama's. Are you okay with me laying in the same bed?" "Yea sure. Why not?" "Nah, nevermind. I'll be right back."

I search through the movies when Liam comes into my room again. He has sweatpants on and a sweater. He closes the door behind him and walks over to me. He takes the sheets and lays under it. I scroll through the movies, when he takes the remote control from me. "Hey!" I say. "I was searching for a scary movie which isn't too scary." "And I just thought about a good romcom. Isn't that better?" "Actually, yea." I say smiling and let Liam search for a movie on my television. It takes some time until he selects "about time". "This is actually one of my favorite movies." "Mine too." I say smiling back. He presses play and I try to make myself comfortable. "Come here." He says when he opens his arms. "I'm here for you and your cramps." He says. "Thanks Liam." "No problem babygirl." He says. And then we start watching the movie.

"Are you okay?" Liam asks me when the movie is almost done. I shake my head lightly and try to breathe normal. My cramps are so bad right now. Liam pauses the movie and makes me turn so he can see my face. "Omg, you're crying. Shit. What do you need?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I think you need to sit straight." He says when he pushes my back a little so I sit up. Then Liam sits behind me and lets me lean on him. He hugs me from behind, trying to touch my stomach as less as possible. I shiver. "Are you cold babe?" "A bit.." I say with my soft voice. "Here, take my sweater." He says as he takes off his sweater which leaves his stomach undressed. I look at him with a thankful look in my eyes. "Thanks." I say after I put it on. "No problem love."

"Is it really weird if I'm tired and I'm gonna try to catch some sleep?" I ask Liam. "No, ofcourse not. Try to catch some sleep. I'll see you later okay?" "Wait Liam.. Do you want to lay with me? If I get another cramp you'll be here for me and that feeling is actually really good. I feel save." "Of course I'll sleep with you. Anything to secure my babygirl." He says with a smile. I lay beside him and cuddle into him. I lay my head on his chest and so does my arm.

Just before I'm about to fall asleep, I feel a kiss on my hair. "Goodnight babygirl. Sleep well."

[okay so this chapter really sucks, I'm sorry!! But next chapter will be better.
Btw, yall should read "the chatroom" by xElice .. IM IN LOVE ]

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