"I'm sorry." I apologize to James as I calm as I can manage.

James ignores me and it irritates me. I turn to grab my luggage seeing as the help won't actually be helping today. Damn lazy bastards. There shall be no tip for them anytime in the near future. I turn back around to watch James interacting with the help. I stand there a moment waiting for him to blow up, fish out his cell and fire someone but he doesn't. Instead he pulls the woman into a big bear huge and the other guys into a manly one arm hug. I stand there dumbfound watching the interaction.

I clear my throat as I approach.

"Oh Angela this is-" James starts but I cut him off.

"People who obviously don't know how to do their job. I demand to speak to your manager. What kind of service are you running? Not only did you refuse to help me when that is your job" I say putting emphases on the word job before I continue.

"But then you", I point to Hangover, "start to laugh at me, while you two just stare at me. That is not proper assistance let alone manners."

"Angela!" James exclaims cutting me off before I can continue.

I turn to him agitated but stop completely when I see anger and embarrassment run his eyes.

"Angela this is my sister, her husband and my oldest friend."

I stare at the scene in front of me with wide eyes. My jaw is most likely on the floor right now, swallowing a million flies. Which is a total possibility seeing as I’m in damn Tennessee. I close my mouth at the thought, but I can't seem to get my eyes to go back to normal.

James is related to this band of hillbillies. My James, perfect beautiful New York business man James, is related by blood to the woman standing in front of me. She's looking at me like she already hates my guts. God damn you James why couldn't you have warned me! Maybe then I wouldn't have made a fool of myself and maybe your family wouldn't be staring at me like I just killed there beloved pet.  Which is probably like a horse or a pig because they're damn Texans, born and raised red necks.

I internally groan. How is this even possible? James is nothing like these rednecks. Oh my gosh. I'm married to a redneck. My kids will have redneck blood. Whoa there White, you're overreacting. Deep breaths now. I take another deep yoga breath mentally thanking myself for staying faithful to my yoga sessions over the years.

I snap open my eyes plastering a fake over the top smile on my face to match the size of my eye which refuse to look normal.

"My sincerest apologies for the mix up." I automatically response in a fake cheery voice.

My body is running on autopilot seeing as my brain still can't seem to get over the initial embarrassment I just put myself through.

The woman nods stiffly in my direction, hangover guy is trying to hold in his laughter, and grey eyes offers me a small smile which I return immediately. At least someone had manners. Okay to be fair I probably don't deserve politeness after that little act but it's still appreciated.

James ignores my apology most likely seeing it as lacking, but I'd like to see you try and apologize for acting a straight up, stuck up princess towards your fiancés family and see if you can come up with a five star apology on the spot. Yeah it's tough I know that now.

Everyone starts to make a point to leave. James and his sister are out the door without a second glance. Hangover glances at me for a second, but it only starts up his laughter again. He walks out the door after them. Only grey eyes is left. I turn to watch his reaction. Will he laugh and leave like hangover? Pretend I'm not even there like James' sister? Or will he do something even worse? I continue to watch him curiously, but he just stands there. Our eyes lock, grey on brown. His eyes are the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. They shine bright like James's but they've got depth among them.

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