Chapter 5

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Written by Moh (jasongrace567)


Harry Potter


            When Harry, Ron, Neville, and the newcomer Percy arrived back at the Gryffindor common room, everyone was awake and waiting for them. It seemed as though Dean and Seamus hadn’t gone back to bed like they’d expected them to; they’d told everyone exactly what had transpired in their dormitory about half an hour prior.

            “Is this him, then?” Jack Sloper said, eyeing Percy distrustfully. He stared at Sloper as if wondering who he was talking to.

            “You can sleep in our dormitory,” Harry told him, ignoring Sloper. “We’ll find you a camp bed or something to kip on.”

            “Kip?” Percy’s eyebrows shot up. “What’s that mean? Is it French or something?”

            “It means sleep,” Ron said. “We’re not American.”

            “Yeah, I noticed.”

            Harry scanned the crowd quickly, spotting Hermione near the back. Her arms were crossed over her chest and she had an unfathomable expression on her face. He gave her a look and she nodded ever so slightly, slipping through the crowd and up the spiral staircase to their dormitory.

            “Do I get one of those things as well?” Percy asked, pointing to Harry's wand, which was limp in his hand now.

            “No,” Harry said shortly. “Now come on.” He led Ron, Percy, and Neville upstairs, ignoring the people still pestering them for answers. They pushed through the crowd and filed upstairs, leaving Dean and Seamus behind them to deal with the crowd in the common room. When they opened the dormitory door, Hermione was sitting on Ron’s bed, waiting for them.

            “I thought this was a boys’ dormitory?” Percy said, looking surprised and slightly disconcerted to see Hermione there. She gave him a contemptuous look before switching her gaze to Harry.

            “Who is he?” she asked.

            “My name is Percy,” Percy said stiffly. “And I'm not deaf.”

            Hermione ignored him. “Harry?”

            “His name is Percy Jackson,” Harry said wearily, putting his wand back on his bedside table and taking off his dressing gown. “Seventeen, from Manhattan, anything other information is unknown. He doesn’t know why he's here and neither do we.”

            “Does McGonagall plan to keep him at the school?”

            “Seems like it,” Ron said, shrugging. He gently nudged Hermione off his pillow and lay down, stretching his arms out behind his neck. “He’ll be staying with us.”

            “What about classes?” Hermione demanded, looking around at them all. “Where will he stay when we’re in class?”

            Neville frowned slightly. “Dunno. Maybe McGonagall will want to question him further tomorrow?”

            “I'm right here,” Percy said loudly, looking rather annoyed. His hand was twitching towards the pen-sword contraption in his pocket.

            Harry grabbed his wand again and pointed it at the far corner of the room, muttering a few words. A small camp bed, much like the one he slept on at The Burrow, appeared there. “Goodnight, Percy.”

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