"Welcome Mark, its been a while," the man said. I glanced at Mark, but he didn't seem to notice. He hopped out of the car to give the man a giant bear hug. I jumped out of the car after Mark, looking at the man.

"Oh, Jack this is my father's old friend, Edward. Edward, this is my newly husband, Jack." Edward's eyes seem to stretch a little, but soon recovered giving me a small smile.

"So you're on you honeymoon." Edward seem to finish the story himself instead of letting Mark go on, but Mark just nodded. Edward place a hand on Mark's back, leading him inside. I crossed my arms over my chest. Mark forgot the bags. Don't worry Marky, I'll get them! I let out a huff as I paid the taxi driver a twenty dollar bill before going to the back. I opened the trunk grabbing my bags, placing them on my shoulders. I grabbed Mark's backpack and through it over my shoulders, then grabbed the other bag, barely able to carry it out of the car. You owe me Mark. I slammed the trunk down and began to dragging Mark's heavy bag across the sidewalk and through the door.

My mouth dropped, the lobby was a peachy color, with peach colored tile. There was a dark brown desk right in the middle of the lobby, with two stair cases leading up to the rooms. Up above the whole room, was a giant crystal chandelier. Mark stood with Edward and a few other people, talking.

"Hey, Mark where is our room again?" I asked, Mark turned slightly to look over his shoulder. He looked displeased that I had interrupted his little discussion.

"Room 30, on the third floor," Mark stated flatly. I huffed at his response, luckily there's an elevator, so I don't have to drag them up the stairs. I dragged the bags into the elevator, pushing the button for the third floor. I waited for the beeping sound for me to get out of the empty elevator. The elevator hit the third floor, and I dragged the bags down one corridor to Room 30. Then I realized that I didn't have the key.

"Fuck," I murmured under my breath. I slid down the wall, waiting for Mark. Damn it Jack, why did you forget? Suddenly steps came from up the hallway, but it wasn't the tan face that I wanted to see. It was Edward, fuckin bitch.

"Mark wanted me to give you the key," I stood and he handed me a little key card. I gladly took it from him, sliding it before opening the door.

"Thanks," I said sickly. "Why couldn't Mark bring it himself?" Edward shrugged. He turned on his heal before making his way back towards the stairs. Great. I began to carry the bags inside the little room.

I took a moment to look around. The color scheme was brown, white, and a dark shade of red. Like a dark rose color. There was a king sized bed, with a side table and a lamp on it. There was a light brown curtain, then what looked like to be a living room and kitchen. They seemed to be just as simple as the bedroom. White tile covered the kitchen, and the living room had a brown coach, and matching coffee table. A fairly large flat screen TV, and a bouquet of roses on the counter of the kitchen. I smiled, it was a lovely set up.

I closed the door behind me, grabbing my two bags that I had brought and started unpacking.

Time Skip brought to you by Booper Dooper

7:30 pm, isn't back yet. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he's off fucking some other girl.

Fear started to boil up in my blood. We're not married for a day and already he's off doing god knows what. Suddenly the door opened and shut. I stood from my seat to see a tan figure standing in the doorway.

"Mark what the fuck, you were out forever. The the hell were you doing." I screamed at the top of my lungs. But Mark just turned to hold out his hand to reveal a bottle of Cinnamon Whiskey, and some grocery bags. I took the Cinnamon Whiskey out of his hands, looking closely at the label.

"I took me forever to find, I even had to get Edward to help me." I shrugged off the fact that he had mentioned Edward. I swear that if me and him weren't married, he would marry Edward. I laughed off the thought.

"Thank you babe," I leaned into kiss him, but he though first and quickly turned his cheek. Making me kiss his cheek instead of his lips. I lightly punched him on the arm, giving him a grin. He headed toward the kitchen, hopefully to put the grocery bags away. I took the Cinnamon Whiskey and followed him, setting the fairly large bottle onto the counter.

"We're you planning on getting me drunk tonight," I smirked. Mark smiled, putting some hamburger patties onto the freezer.

"Nope, not for what I'm gonna do to you tonight." He through some grapes into the fridge before turning to me. I looked back at him, before I could create a snappy comeback, Mark use most of his strength to pushed me against the wall, pinning my arms above my head.

"Tonight your mine, forever and always," Mark said, leaning into my ear.

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