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Bill woke up to the coldness, of being alone. Who was missing? Dipper of course. "Pine Tree? Where did you go?" He heard some ridiculous music, like before. But this time a teenage voice was singing. 'Who could that be?' Bill asked himself. He crept slowly into the bathroom to see....

A teenage Dipper. Dipper was back and if course singing "Disco Girl." In nothing but a towel. Almost nothing had changed. "Hey Pine Tree, nice singing there." Bill teased. Dipper tensed up and blushed, "So I changed back." Bill smirked, "And do you remember everything that happened?" Dipper blushed darker, recalling what he had done when he was smaller.

"Did you mean all of that?" Dipper asked. Bill chuckled, "Of course I did." Dipper left the bathroom and got changed. When he went downstairs Bill was making pancakes. He sat down as everyone started coming down for breakfast. Stan and Ford were a bit surprised, but didn't ask any questions. Mabel, on the other hand, asked tons.

"So what happened?" she asked. Dipper shrugged, "I just woke up and I was like this. And before you ask, yes I do remember everything." Mabel giggled and sat down. Bill put down a plate of food in front of everyone. Then they all ate.

Time-Skip to the Important Stuff

Bill had fallen for Dipper, as he took care if him. He didn't know if Dipper liked him back. So he decided to ask.

"Hey Pine Tree," he said cockily. "I love you." Dipper blushed as Bill leaned in and kissed him. Dipper pulled away and ran away to the woods. Bill ran after him. He knew exactly where Dipper was going.

It was his safe place. It was a place in the woods where all the trees would bend downward, making a canopy. Dipper would always go there to be alone, but Bill didn't want to leave him alone. Bill needed an answer.

Once Bill got to the canopy of trees, he saw Dipper sitting on the ground. "Hey Pine Tree. Just forget about all of that. I didn't mean it. It was just a joke." Bill said. All while Bill said that Dipper was getting up. Once Bill finished his speech, Dipper got had walked fully towards him. "You and I fully know that you meant all of that from the deepest of your sarcastic heart." Dipper said. Then he kissed Bill. Just a soft light kiss. Nothing special to someone watching. But to them it meant the world.

"I love you Pine Tree." Bill said. "I have a deep regard for you as well Bill." Dipper smirked.

And from that moment on Dipper swore that he would never ever turn into a child again. But that didn't mean he couldn't turn into anything else. Until next time (On Total Drama Island)

The End

Hello there my reversed friends. I hope you like my story. I worked really hard on it. And if you were wondering both Bill and Dipper are 15 years old. When Dipper turned little he was three.


Anything. Just do something!

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